@Red Wings de Détroit

Kris Draper récapitule le repêchage 2023 de la LNH des Red Wings

Le directeur du dépistage amateur des Red Wings de Detroit, Kris Draper, se joint à Daniella Bruce pour examiner de plus près la classe de repêchage 2023 de Detroit.


  1. this team hasnt looked this good since the early 2008-16 team good things are coming 2023-24 season and beyond?! 🤷‍♂️😊🤔👍💪LGRW💪😊👍

  2. Seider. Edvinsson. Wallinder. Sandin Pellikka. Championship d core in the making. Bravo Wings.

  3. With how the Wings' are drafting & Steve Yzerman's 'value' approach to acquiring assets, it seems like in 5 years they'll have top guys in almost every position. It's unfortunate that this process takes so long.. but my God; If you take a REALLY hard look at how the cap & division are playing out, this team could be an absolute monster in 2027-2028 for YEARS

  4. Kris talks details on these guys off the cuff, it seems like he know these players. Should be fun watching them develop and grow the team.

  5. So glad this wasn’t a press conference. I can’t handle Helene St James’ ridiculously stupid questions.

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