@Flames de Calgary

Match 6, Flames de Calgary contre Oilers d’Edmonton (24/04/91)

Peut-être la célébration la plus célèbre de l’histoire de la LNH. Theo Fleury marque le vainqueur du match en plus de temps, puis glisse sur la glace au Northlands Coliseum.


  1. It was good to see him back on the ice as a flame one last time at the winter classics

  2. he is one awesome human………….to overcome all that bullshit…..even his hieght…..man! i respect him as a human

  3. @DieFlames haha, you doucher….it only took you a whole month to think of that zinger! have you been stewing about these youtube comments ever since and then thought….this will show them, this will show them good! get out of here…oilers still blow, this is your record 12-21-6, now piss off you little shit.

  4. I can't believe this was left off the History vs. History bracket that the NHL's doing.
    I mean there are a lot of great playoff moments on there, but some of them don't even compare to this goal celebration.
    I'm not saying it should win, but it should at least be in the top 64.

  5. @RyanB35 Stunning, isn't it? I'm sure there was a thinktank and all that for the 64, but if you asked me objectively, this would be one of the first ten or 12 I named.

  6. And he was either drunk or high during these times, too. Once a suffering soul, now a good guy :o)

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  8. Yakupov, your celebration was totally unnecessary and you've made yourself a marked man for the Kings.

    Theoren had reason to have a passionate celebration- he won a game in overtime and gave his team a chance to wipe out the Oilers from the playoffs.

    Yakupov, you scored with 2 seconds left to tie it up in a regular season game.

  9. back in the day, why were the more colorful awesome jerseys away and the white and boring jerseys were home?

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