@Blackhawks de Chicago

Patrick Kane, Il est temps.

La signature de patrick kane de l’agence libre Nhl 2023 est FASCINANTE, parlons-en. Nouvelles de la LNH aujourd’hui agents libres signatures hockey new york rangers news buffalo sabers agence libre en direct patrick kane faits saillants interview nhl trades aujourd’hui nouvelles de l’agent libre nyr nhl but cornes réaction nhl trade rumeurs 2023 et signatures d’agences libres aujourd’hui patrick kane chicago blackhawks nhl news #nhl #hockey #nhlnews #faits saillants


  1. He is done. He had hip surgery. He will never have the speed he used to. And if he does play this year he won’t be ready until February

  2. I like Kane, done a lot of amazing things with his career but that being said he's too expensive for what he'll actually be able to do when he can. People downplay injuries that result in surgery, surgeries change players bodies but not necessarily their ego's and I'm not going to lie. Kane has an ego and he will want too much money for what he can provide. Big names sound great and they especially did for the NYR's but that's all they do. Kane would be a bottom top six at best with maybe some power play time and a team can't pay a player in that role the kind of money he's been used to. Kane doesn't want to retire really and I bet more than any other team he would rather go back to Chicago and not Buffalo, home team or not. Chicago will be the better team next season.

  3. So glad the sabres are good again… so many years of disappointment and awful ownership over

  4. This has been talked about for too long for it not to happen at this point

  5. Buffalo, of course that fits the needs of him and team. Rangers got Wheeler at much cheaper and he fits their team better, much more physical and active. Kane too much of a risk.

  6. He sings with Toronto. 2 million season ans lights the lamp with Matthews. Two best of all time American born players. There isn't better duo in NHL. Maybe Edmonton can compete with McDavid and Draisalt.

    I'm just joking btw.

  7. Patrick Kane sounds good coming to Buffalo it would be awesome to add him to the buffalo sabres roster.

  8. As a Sabres fan, no thanks!! The Sabres need more defensive players, not a guy who is actually a net negative with how bad he is defensively. The Sabres are more than fine offensively.

  9. It would be great but at 7M. That wouldn’t make a lot of sense for a third line player on the Sabres. He’d be making more than everyone except for Tage.

  10. Adams is a smart man Kane is not going to Buffalo. Screwed? Buffalo pipeline is ridiculous. I think some people bumped their heads wanting this to happen.

  11. Plus..he can keep his New York drivers license. It’s a no-brainer.😃👍🏾

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