@Ligue nationale de hockey

Nous voulons la Floride

Même pas fan des panthères. Je déteste juste la feuille.



  1. Celestial_Mycology

    What in the Universe is this monstrosity?

  2. 931634

    You hate us so much you spent money on that …

  3. Canadian__Ninja

    It loses something when you get crushed like you did vs Vegas

  4. EyeHeartBidets

    Y’all need a new hobby or at least to not be so stupid as to believe this chant was about thinking the Panthers were pushovers instead of being about rejoicing in Boston losing.

  5. TheLoomingMoon

    There was like 50 guys chanting that and they live in your head rent free now.

  6. AscotBoy

    Lol this is more pathetic than the Leafs

  7. LukeyMagukey

    No need to roast this guy lol.. I think him being down $250-300 for this is embarrassing already

  8. This would have actually been wearable if the Panthers went on to win the Cup.

  9. tripjumping-Trick218

    You spent $300 on that after they finished second? You have to know how absolutely pathetic that is

  10. blondechinesehair

    Buddy this is pathetic

  11. 136AngryBees

    You do realize …. Getting that on a Panthers jersey, just makes it look really stupid right?

    If you were just trying to get a dig in on Toronto, you would have had this made on a Leafs jersey.

    Instead, you look like a tool. And your attitude towards everyone saying you look like a tool, reinforces the fact that you are, in fact, a tool

  12. Hump-Daddy

    Lmao this is the highest-quality cringe I’ve seen on here in a long time. OP really shared this thinking we were all going to call him a sick, hot, party guy.

  13. hebbocrates

    you really showed this off thinking it wasn’t sad af lmao

  14. bilgemonkeyflyguy

    As a panthers fan please delete this

  15. banjoman365

    Crying thinking about spending $250 on this to “own” a fanbase. Immense loser energy – I’m sure you thought people would think you’re so sick for this too lmao

  16. WrigleyBum23

    I’m struggling to find a reason why you’d buy this jersey

  17. riko77can

    You can make a profit selling this in Nevada.

  18. TotalJimi

    I think you spelled Limp wrong in your username.

  19. Linkmaster79

    We don’t just live rent free in this guy’s head. We built a whole neighbourhood.

  20. InsufferableLeafsFan

    OP thought he’d have the support of the entire league here, except he’s getting absolutely torched in the comments for being a clown.

  21. Deep_Bit5618

    Leaf fans FIRST started chanting “we want Boston

  22. KeziaTML

    Take it easy on him guys, beating the leafs was his Stanley cup.

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