@Canucks de Vancouver

[THG] Les Canucks sont-ils une équipe probable en séries éliminatoires en 2024?

[THG] Les Canucks sont-ils une équipe probable en séries éliminatoires en 2024?



  1. SpectreFire

    Given the state of the team, the division, and the conference, we’re a bubble team at best.

    If Demko doesn’t bounce back fully, Miller has the same start as last season, and Soucy and Cole can’t fill in the defensive gap enough, then we’re back to where we were before.

    The team is more or less the same as last year.

    Sure our defense got better, but only because it was just so unbelievable bad last year it couldn’t get any worse.

    Meanwhile, our offense is worse as replacing Horvat with Blueger is definitely a major downgrade.

  2. Letsbeguin

    Well said by THG. Like every year recently, our depth will be tested. I think there’s a reason to be optimistic about playoffs, but at the same time, fans are looking at a similar on ice product as last year. A few wildcard players under contract this upcoming year that could make a big difference are Hronek and Mikehev. And also are the Canucks still looking to make significant roster moves this remaining off-season to alter the roster.

  3. jeffffb

    This guy needs more structure in his videos. It’s just rambling. Every sentence is a new thought. It’s hard to follow.
    Thesis > arguments for that thesis > conclusion

    The whole video should follow that formula, as well as each ‘paragraph’.

    « The Canucks ARE a playoff team, and here’s why: X, Y, Z »

  4. steezmitch

    I see a playoff spot only if the central division plummets this year. I don’t see Colorado, Dallas or Minnesota missing next season. The rest of the division is questionable.

  5. ubcthrowaway-01

    Biggest takeaway: Myers contract year means bro is gonna put up a Norris season

  6. HarveySpecter1970

    His analysis wasn’t very good imo.

    Canucks are going to either just miss the playoffs or get in as bottom seed bubble spot. Vegas edmonton LA Seattle are all better at this stage. Canucks may have the upper hand against Seattle in head to head games because Canucks have star power but Seattle has better depth.

    Also, Canucks lineup has good depth but imo their problem now is that they need another 2 aces. One top line winger and one top pairing defenseman if they want to be contenders, which imo there are going to be elite players availablein free agency in 2024. Pettersson Miller boeser kuzmenko are all good but they need another good player. We have a bunch of middle 6 wingers in mikheyev garland pearson beavillier, but we need another top 6 guy. For their defense, Hughes is their one ace and can mask the issues in their D. Hronek is a #4, soucy and Cole are #4-5, Myers is a #6. Good think they’ll have tons of cap space next season.

    As per how they’re lineup will probably look. The locks in forward are petey Miller boeser kuzmenko beavillier garland mikheyev blueger Joshua pearson, which leaves 2 spots. Problem is they’re missing a 4 center so it’ll come down to Aman Karlsson Dries to battle out for that and then one winger.

    As for defense, locks are hughes hronek soucy Cole Myers, which leaves one spot open.

  7. monkey314

    Night time division ranking 🙏 ….

    **Top Division**.







    **Bottom Division**




  8. Holyshitmuffin

    Look at our team roster, then look at the kings, oilers, knights can this team beat them in a playoff series? Probably not. We lost a great center in Bo which hurts us alot offensively and defensively nucks need a C to replace him bad

  9. carry-on_replacement

    Pacific is too strong for us to make the top 3. If no one gets injuries, we *might* be able to take wildcard from either Seattle or LA. The likely outcome is Seattle at 3rd, LA at wildcard 1 and we take wildcard 2. Our one saving grace is that central is looking weak right now with Av’s injuries, Bedard being too young, and Preds signing pretty meh guys.

    We need not just only our guys to be at the best but also other teams to be having an off year. We cannot have injuries in our top 6 or top 4 in D, Demko needs to be back at at least .910 and we need a strong backup goalie in either Silovs or Martin.

    Then again, this team has done nothing but disappoint so I have no expectation for anything good to happen. I’ll wait for Allvin to get the depth and farm depth we need to be a yearly playoff team later this decade.

  10. Cornishthe3rd

    Lately, by the end of October, we have a pretty clear magic 8-ball answer…unfortunately it always seems to be « Outlook not so good’

  11. Canucks will surprise this year. My bold prediction: not a bubble team. We are either going to be way better or way worse than a bubble team. I just don’t know which way.

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