@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Leafs vs Lightning Round 1 Game 1 (YIKES…) (18 avril 2023)

Les Leafs jouent l’un de leurs pires matchs de toute la saison et bien sûr, c’est le match 1 des séries éliminatoires alors qu’ils s’inclinent 7-3 contre le Lightning de Tampa Bay !! Le match 2 se déroule jeudi soir, DEVANT gagner celui-là avant de prendre la route pour la Floride !! Je ne possède pas les séquences de jeu utilisées dans cette vidéo. Toutes les séquences de matchs sont la propriété de la LNH. Il est utilisé uniquement à des fins de divertissement. Suivez la page Tik Tok !! https://www.tiktok.com/@t.osportstalk Découvrez le NOUVEAU chat Discord !! https://discord.gg/KcnFGCZN7Q Suivez-moi sur Twitter ! https://twitter.com/_TOSportsTalk Suivez-moi sur Instagram ! https://www.instagram.com/t.osportstalk/ Montrez-moi un peu d’amour et appuyez sur ces boutons J’aime et S’abonner ! 🙂


  1. When you start debating penalties my friend you are in trouble ,Tampa bay was a better team that night

  2. Was waa.
    Leaf fan here. Don't embarrasse yourself anymore. Please. Leafs fd up. So stop it.

  3. You guys are the Yankees of hockey… big market, filled with excuses after taking a loss, not able to perform in the playoffs, and the fans are obnoxious lmao

  4. Clearly lying when the leafs say the past doesn't bother them. Clearly demons in their heads playing to try and not lose instead of playing to win

  5. I thought the penalty that led to the 4-2 goal and especially the first period was the downfall for the leafs virtually impossible to win in those scenarios

  6. The exact reason this group wont win a cup. They don't have what it takes to win any playoff series which is 100% discipline (no penalties..it will and did kill them!), determination, solid goaltending, cup motivation (paid too much too early) and the line juggling is atrocious. Again, no show for Matthews, does he ever contribute in playoffs? I didn't watch cause I knew they would let us down, yep! "You can have all the right tools in your tool box to build a house, but if you don't know how to build the house the tools are useless!"

  7. No doubt bunting penalty was a dirty hit no where near the puck definitely targeted especially in the head and pushes up more with his elbow. Refs sucked but there were bad calls and missed calls for both teams. Still 5 on 5 wise Tampa was 100% the better team

  8. Hey that's what the 1st game score was in the Summit Series (Canada vs Russia 1972). Leafs are gonna full you all when they win Game 8.

  9. The Leafs had a chance. But when Bunting made that brutal hit on the Tampa player, the Leafs were definitely done after that. Thanks for nothing Bunting. With luck, he'll be gone for the rest of the series. Bunting is a HUGE liability that the Leafs don't need if they hope to win. I would like to see the Leafs win. But the Leafs have turned snatching defeat from the jaws of victory into an art form. We'll see what happens. But if the Leafs beat Tampa, I'll buy a lottery ticket. In fact, I'll buy A LOT of lottery tickets.

  10. Leaf fans are saying bunting didn't do intentionally, or chrenik dove. The fact that leaf fans defend this shit Its laughable, we all know if Matthews or Marner got hit like that everyone would be screaming for suspension. Bunting is a moron. Guy doesn't stop yapping. 4-2 they could of came back. But bunting killed it with his hot head. I hope he's suspended for the entire playoffs. Guy does nothing but cause problems.

  11. I like how leafs are the betting favorite against a team that went to 3 straight cups… 😂doesn't evenmake sense. The teams are basicly the same and TB smashed the leafs each of those years…As a leafs fan this is the easiest money I ever made and took away some of the pain in game 1 loss too😂

  12. Stfu about the refs… sure they were bad but you lost 7 3 who cares… you played like shit leafs the end…. Islanders have more of an issue in that game 2 OT high stick no call…at least they were it the game 😂

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