@Flames de Calgary

Tortorella dans un combat dans le couloir des flammes – 18 janvier 2014 (HD)

hah qu’est-ce qui se passe à Vancouver?


  1. In honesty, I thought this incident would have inspired Vancouver to stand up and play, knowing their coach, as firey as he is, has their backs.

  2. They are all pussies, I am more of a man than all of them combine, I am willing to go to prison/jail with one of them, let's see who can survive inside the walls.

  3. Knowing whats Torts was going through that day, im surprised he didnt have a gun or something. I feel so bad for him watching this now

  4. Tortorella may have gone on talking, but he made one fatal slip
    When he tried to match the flames staff with the Big Urn on their hip

  5. What pisses me off is the fact the Vancouver Canucks didn't show up as a team and beat the crap out of the Calgary flames for being such idiots.

  6. I've watched this video many times. Probably heard Clint being mentioned. Just finished one of the last chapters in The Crazy Game and Clint mentions this. Had to look again.

    Great read. Highly recommend it.

  7. This is the moment I loved Torts! Sticking up for his players! Once he commits to coaching a team, he's all in! Philly is lucky to have him!

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