@Jets de Winnipeg

Broissoit sur « pousser Hellebuyck » et le chant de sauvegarde

https://www.nhl.com/news/laurent-brossoit-to-push-connor-hellebuyck-in-jets-return/c-345224398 Honnêtement, je suis ravi qu’il soit de retour. Un gars tellement cool et dévoué.



  1. AaronC14

    Stoked he’s back. So what the fans had a little fun? Vegas kicked our ass anyway.

    Says a lot about the dude that he laughed it off and came back. Yeah, yeah, I know. Millions of dollars. Still, he could’ve made them elsewhere and he chose to return to us and make them here. Loved Broissoit, never stopped loving Broissoit, still love Broissoit.

  2. systemrename290

    I was in line to get in downstairs at the pembi one night back in 2019, some guy slid down the stairs so I helped him up. After dusting himself off I asked him if he was alright and to my amazement I realized it was Laurent Brossoit, to which he said yes. I was in a drunken stupor so I then told him he’s awesome and no one can do the splits quite like he can. After reading this article I’ve come to the conclusion that I may have influenced his decision to come back to winnipeg.

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