@Flyers de Philadelphie

ID autographe ?

J’ai fouillé dans les affaires de ma défunte mère et j’ai trouvé ça. C’est des années 90 mais à part ça je n’ai aucune idée de qui ça pourrait être. Merci d’avance!



  1. briandeli99

    Possibly Dennis Seidenberg? That looks like a 36 but can’t tell for sure

  2. Mike_Y_1210

    I think it might be Roman Cechmanek. If you google his signature, it varies wildly. But the cursive R at the beginning of the first name, the C followed by the swoopy shape on the last name are all things he does in his signature. And, to me, that looks like a 32 (which was his number). So yeah, that’s my guess.

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