@Canadiens de Montréal

Nick Bobrov sur le but marqué.

Nick Bobrov sur le but marqué.



  1. fortytwoanswers

    Clearly they think that we have enough offensive firepower in Suzuki/Cole/Dach/Slaf/Newhook. I don’t think that’s true right now but I get that they’re banking on unlocking further potential. Risky imo but at least they’re consistent in their approach.

  2. BlazeOfGlory72

    This reads like something a fan would say honestly. Like yeah, I guess if every one of our young players take major leaps forward offensively, offense won’t be an issue. And sure, Vegas didn’t have an insane amount of high scoring forwards, so I guess it’s possible to win without it (though they still had Eichel). That’s a lot of hope and dreams though.

    Rather than always twisting ourselves into pretzels trying to justify why offense doesn’t matter that much, why not just actually get some offense and see what happens? Seems like it might be worth trying a new strategy after 30 years of failing to meet our goal eh?

  3. mikegimik

    Love the shiny objects line – is it possible Bobrov was not a Mitchkov fan?

  4. kikankokke

    This makes sense. Once you have identified your core players on a rebuilding team you don’t want to shortcut the process. Give them their projected role and let them grow into it.

  5. old_lady_daniels

    Your comment blows my mind. Do you actually think you know more about player development than Bobrov? Don’t quit your day job.

  6. Philly514

    Habs are stuck in the Bergevin line of thinking. Look at what the last Cup winners did and try and copy it. The probably saw Michkov’s size and thought they couldn’t win with him.

  7. televisionceo

    Some people will be mad but it seems like the management’s philosphy is almost exactly what I thought it was. it’s very close to my own philosophy so I’m happy.

  8. Sentenced2Burn

    « as long as every player we banked on hits 100% of their ceiling then we’ll be fine »

  9. confidenceisKi

    We’re much more focused on player development than ever before. Just look at the growth in Caufield, Suzuki and Dach’s game last season. Even our incredibly young D-core with Guhle obviously the bright spot but Harris, Xhekaj and Barron having their moments. Even the older guys like Matheson scoring just under a 60 point pace if he played in 82 games. I trust this new management and this approach.

  10. Willzyix

    I don’t disagree with Bobrov. Cole has 40g potential, Suzuki prob 80 points, Dach 60-70, Slaf prob around 60-65. We have some very nice offensive depth, we’re really missing one 100pt superstar. That’s the hardest piece to get but one more really good draft pick might give us what we need.

  11. Sportsguy1223

    What about Tampa? They have scoring?

  12. vince2899

    Or Colorado, or basically every dynasty of the past 20 years

  13. banyanoak

    It’s fine to not have a lot star forwards, but then you need 8-9 forwards who score 20+. If you bank on depth over superstars, you need 3-4 dangerous lines. I’m fine with that, but I’m not sure who’s on that future third line right now, and not even entirely sure who’s on the second. Roy/Kidney/Mesar/Beck? Could be, and I’d be thrilled if even two of those guys achieve that potential, I just don’t think we’re in any shape to rest on our laurels.

  14. infinis

    I’ll go back to my argument from the last draft. It looks like the weak point that the management has identified in our game is transition and I agree with that logic.

    Everyone agree that we have been looking for a PMD for a long time and while Matheson a partial solution to that problem, he cant play 60 mins per game.

    My argument without going into too much detail is that improving our transition game will greatly improve our scoring. I think we have the speed and the hands now to have a strong offense, but our transition is lacking to support those tools.

    Selecting Reinbacher was aimed at fixing this problem, trading for Newhook supports this theory.

    Last year our most obvious weakness was defensive giveaways. We were by 20% the worst team in the league and its hard to create offense when you’re stuck in your zone.


  15. FakeCrash

    This post feels like bait. We don’t even know what question he was asked.

  16. ItzEnoz

    I’d say delusional over risky

    Newhook/Slaf/Dach have never scored 20 goals (Dach was on pace for 19.7 but still)

    Cole and Nick never scored over 30 (cole on pace for 40+ but still)

    Like I want to believe that they will all explode in offense but that’s not usually how it happens

  17. WintertimeLivingEasy

    It’s not like habs are close to contending or even making the playoffs, there’s no need to trade for a better player, and they should wait and see with the ones they already have.

  18. Professional_Mode804

    Why take a potential 60 goal scorer when the last cup winners didn’t have one

  19. G_skins31

    We have easily the worst top 6 in the Atlantic. Maybe even the NHL. We need help in scoring

  20. Far-File-1815

    Why do a lot of people in this thread seem to think that Bobrov is throwing his hands up saying « we’re done, we have all the scorers we need »?

    Doesn’t read that way to me at all. Just seems to be pushing back against the notion that we don’t have any scorers and that we’re going to see some progress on that front even without looking for outside help. I know there are concerns about Bobrov but this is an extremely vanilla take imo.

    I guess it’s the offseason and we might as well argue over something :p

  21. Mythicalkiger

    I love Dach, but he as never been a goal scorer and never will. Of the players he names only Caufield and Suzuki have shown in the past that they can be consistent goal scorers.

  22. backwardzhatz

    Next year is the first real year where we’re fully handing basically the entire team over to the youngsters, in all positions. I think they want to give it a year, maybe 2 to see how the core is coming along, and if we’re lacking in elite scoring they’ll take a big swing at bringing a game breaker in.

  23. shadopup

    The 40 goal scorer thing is disingenuous. Plus Vegas had a superstar in Eichel who is a pt/gp player. No you don’t need a 40 goal scorer but you almost certainly need pt/gp players (of which the Habs have none) and one or two 30 goal scorers and some 20 goals scorers or players at least capable of that pace to provide secondary offense.

    I’m ok with them seeing how Cauf, Suzu, Dach, Slaf, Newhook progress this upcoming season but I hope Bobrov is open to changing his opinion if the so-called additional offense he thinks these guys will generate doesn’t appear. To me it’s clear there is a need for another young top 6 offensive forward.

  24. bathbwoi

    He says “I would push back on the notion that we have no scoring” which doesn’t make a lot of sense.

    As we are currently constructed I really don’t see who can be that ppg player. No doubt in my mind Caufield can have a season or two at 70-80 points.

    But is Bobrov really banking on our PPG player to be one of suzuki, Dach, newhook or slaf? If so I must say I am starting to get concerned. I am still trusting the process but I must say I am not as confident with our front office staff as I was a year ago.

    Especially after Bobrov seeming to think we got our scoring ppg player in the system.

  25. slafyousilly

    Do we really think that our offense won’t improve by our defense improving? Better break outs, better zone entries, less time in our end all means more opportunities to score. Are we so close minded to think that the structure being built, the concepts, everything Marty and Co are building isn’t going to improve our offense? I don’t get it. Magic beans? Smh.

  26. Professional_Mode804

    I don’t get how you guys don’t find this worrying

  27. Cleavenleave

    I don’t know about yall but I’m giving up this admin, then again this is the same player that drafted 4 top 10 busts.

    I don’t even know how he’s still employed

  28. eastcoasthabitant

    I don’t think we’ll have a problem with scoring when guys start to gel. I heard rumours newhooks deal is basically done now at 3/4 years too which will come out in the next couple days

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