@Red Wings de Détroit

ZADINA GONE & DeBRINCAT TRADE ANTICIPATION ft. Max Bultman – Podcast Winged Wheel – 6 juillet 2023

Nous interrompons les rumeurs sans fin « Alex DeBrincat pourrait être échangé aux Detroit Red Wings » avec des nouvelles surprenantes dans la saga Filip Zadina ! Connectez-vous alors que nous commençons par discuter de la fin de l’histoire de Filip Zadina à Hockeytown, car Steve Yzerman a placé Zadina sur des renonciations inconditionnelles aux fins de résiliation du contrat. Nous discutons de la façon dont nous sommes passés de la rédaction de Zadina 6e au classement général à un accord mutuel pour nous séparer, pourquoi Zadina n’a pas pu casser la liste des Red Wings sous Blashill ou Zadina, comment cela affecte le « Yzerplan » d’Yzerman, quelle est la prochaine étape pour Zadina, à quel point Zadina est-elle mauvaise par rapport à Hughes , Bouchard, ou d’autres ont fait du mal à la reconstruction, & bien plus encore (4:40). Ensuite, nous sommes rejoints par Max Bultman de The Athletic Detroit pour discuter des signatures d’agence libre d’Yzerman dans JT Compher, Justin Holl, Shayne Gostisbehere, Daniel Sprong, Alex Lyon, James Reimer, Christian Fischer et d’autres. Nous discutons de la façon dont cela affecte les perspectives de Detroit dans la saison à venir et dans la reconstruction, et si Berggren, Kasper et Soderblom peuvent être exclus. Aussi, la classe de repêchage des Red Wings avec Nate Danielson et Axel Sandin Pellikka, réflexions sur la situation de Zadina, et bien plus encore (25:35). Nous tentons également le destin en discutant des dernières nouvelles sur la situation d’Alex DeBrincat, alors que Steve Yzerman et Pierre Dorion jouent au poulet commercial tandis que Lou et les Islanders peuvent prendre en compte (1:03:25) avant de donner une mise à jour et un débat en retard sur le rachat de Kailer Yamamoto (1:14:45). Après cela, quelques nouvelles de la LNH (1:23:10) avant de répondre à vos questions pendant les heures supplémentaires (1:26:30) – profitez de cet épisode qui expirera bientôt ! Rendez-vous sur wingedwheelpodcast.com pour trouver toutes les façons d’écouter, comment soutenir l’émission et bien plus encore. Article de Max : https://theathletic.com/4661123/2023/07/03/red-wings-free-agency/ —– Merci d’avoir fait de nous le plus gros podcast des Detroit Red Wings en ondes ! #RedWings #LGRW Site Web : https://www.wingedwheelpodcast.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/wingedwheelpodcast Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/WingedWheelPod (Consultez la bio pour suivre les hôtes !) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wingedwheelpodcast Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wingedwheelpodcast Écoutez sur… Apple Podcasts : https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/winged- wheel-podcast/id969768868 Podcasts Google : https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLmZlZWRidXJuZXIuY29tL1dpbmdlZFdoZWVsUG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741Ul xPMGtaS SoundCloud : https://open. spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741UlxPMGtaS Flux RSS : http://wingedwheelpodcast.libsyn.com/rss


  1. Ryan, if telling us that Quinn Hughes was never on the wings draft list, but that Bouchard & Dobson were is supposed to ease the pain of Zadina…..it's not working…😒

  2. I don't get the debrincat love., he's small and needs linemates to drive his success, and suspect he would disappear in the playoffs. that is not something you give up a bunch of picks/prospects, and a long term high dollar contract. If Nylander is available, or Marner, go all in. both are better than debrincat.

  3. It is good that the Zadina distraction is removed well before we get to Traverse City!

  4. I heard the Sens have a deal penned with the Flames, for Debrincat to play there for the season. Sens would get peanuts in return, but Dorion is debating going with it to free cap space to make other moves, and at least they aren't a division rival.
    Maybe true, maybe not. You decide.

  5. Dont see debrincat being trade to detroit, teams dont like trading with in their own division and if they do the asking prize is much higher for that reason

  6. Ryan my man, you Crushed it on the Woodward Sports Show today, hopefully see you guys on there more often! Keep up the great work! LGRW 🐙 🏒 🤘

  7. Only 1 more to go from the piece of shit GM Ken Holland who couldnt draft worth a shit , not 1 NOT 1 first rd draft pick since 2011 has done anything in the league or is even in the league , remember J Kindl , what the F happened with that guy 🤣🤣 Holland was the worst drafting GM in Wings history , now Edmonton pays the price 😂😂

  8. Maybe Chicago will dole out $4 million for Zadina. They definitely have no problem giving cash to veterans at the moment.😂

  9. We strike out on drafts. We cant pull FA's yet we have a top player in the league that wants to sogn here… GET IT DONE STEVIE

  10. Zadina isn't that good. He never showed anything like a superior game. Bye! Stevie had a bad pick, time to move on. This should have happened years ago.

  11. Well Zadinas first bet on himself didn’t work out.
    He’s doing it again.
    I don’t know, he may need some better guidance.
    Not everyone is NHL material, it’s tough.
    I’m wondering about Raymond even.

    But we’ll see and I’m an optimist usually.

  12. I have issues with calling Zadina a 200ft player. He's a 180ft player and, strangely for a scoring forward, the missing 20ft is in the offensive zone.

  13. Wings will never win with this coach . May as well have kept Babcock . A players coach would be so much more of a fit .

  14. In other words Zadina hates this team ,hates the coach ,hates the town , hates the management . Zadina quit , raised his middle finger and walked .

  15. Don’t 4get Mantha when talking holland 1st round picks… Larkin is literally the only top 6 player he drafted in the 1st

  16. Respectfully disagree that this is on Zadina. Is he a guy that can run a line regardless of his linemates? No, he needs support. The only time he was given a real chance was when he was placed with Larkin in 19-20, when Bertuzzi was injured and the main partner on that line was Brome. Beyond that, it was Zadina/Namestnikov/Gagner in '20-21 and Erne/Rasmussen/Zadina in '21-22. He'd make great passes only for his linemate to miss the net or put it squarely in the goalie's pads.

    Last year, he put up a terrific camp and preseason performance only to be healthy scratched at the season opener. For a guy that needs confidence to play well, why would he get scratched after doing all he could to get a spot on the team? Unfortunately he doesn't have the shot he seemed to have on draft day, but I don't think he's a bust at this point. I think that with consistent, quality linemates and good health, he can be a low end 2nd or high end 3rd liner on a playoff team.

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