@Ligue nationale de hockey

Quel maillot est le plus beau ? Insulaires « Angler » ou Canards « Mighty Duck »

Quel maillot est le plus beau ? Insulaires « Angler » ou Canards « Mighty Duck »



  1. skankhunt81

    Ducks by a mile and trust me I’m totally unbiased on this

  2. Medschoolmonkee

    Wildwing eats that Gordon fisherman for breakfast

  3. UopuV7

    Angler for the design, ducks for the color

  4. captainseagull8

    I like the islanders the fisherman with the hockey stick is cool

  5. Yung_Corneliois

    Ducks colors scheme gives it the win but both are gorgeous.

  6. Professional_Entry40


    Honestly both these jerseys are nostalgic gems to me. I understand the hate they get (both logos are cartoony, the jerseys use unusual and asymmetrical striping, nontraditional color schemes) but aesthetics are fundamentally subjective and these gave both teams, but especially the Ducks, a stronger visual identity than they have now. The Islanders at least have history and a classic hockey look to draw on for their jerseys, the current Ducks logo and jerseys are boring, with the exception of the orange one using the old logo.

  7. buckyhermit


    Ironic, given my flair. lol

  8. naked_avenger

    I think the Islanders one looks better, but the cultural significance of the Ducks one makes it what I would wear. I have no attachment to the Islanders.

  9. 0bl1v10n204

    Mighty ducks for sure! So much nostalgia there from the movies as a kid

  10. The_Next_Wild_GM

    Ducks, but only due to personal nostalgia. IMO, those ate the best sweaters the Ducks have had

  11. coronetgemini

    might ducks is iconic… islanders angler I am just learning about now.

  12. CraftierAverage

    Due to them being my team growing up from the cartoon to the mighty duck movies. Hands down duckies. Only thing better is the wild wing alternate of him boomin through the ice.

  13. quickshot56

    Is this even a question? The Ducks by a landslide. Flying V forever.

  14. ImWicked39

    The ducks. I’m biased.

    Edit: I honestly love both.

  15. Birdhairs

    Ducks for sure but this is my first time seeing this islanders jersey and I dig it

  16. FormerCollegeDJ

    The Islanders’ mid-1990s jersey isn’t called “Angler”; it’s called “Gorton’s fisherman”.

  17. ItsTheExtreme

    I always liked these islanders sweaters. How were they received when they first came out? I remember the Gordon fisherman stuff but did fans hate them?

  18. The_EVP

    The Fishsticks jersey will always be the best one! This Islander fan will gladly take the Fishsticks name & wear it with pride!

  19. ATastyPickle

    There must be a lot of bias here because those angler jerseys are sick. Love me a Mighty Ducks throwback jersey though

  20. GreatIceGrizzly

    I know people felt it floundered, but I always like the Captain High Liner version of the Islanders jersey…

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