@Red Wings de Détroit

[POLL] Fil de classement des prospects DetroitRedWings 2023 /r/DetroitRedWings Prospect – #3 Prospect

Maintenant que nous avons dépassé le repêchage et l’agence libre, il est temps pour le fil de classement annuel des prospects / r / DetroitRedWings! Un nouveau sondage sera publié tous les 2-3 jours en fonction de la proximité du vote jusqu’à ce que nous terminions les 15 meilleurs prospects. J’inclurai 10 ~ prospects à chaque sondage et j’ajouterai un nouveau prospect après chaque sondage, alors discutez dans les commentaires ci-dessous qui, selon vous, devrait être ajouté ensuite. Consultez les classements précédents du subreddit ici (à partir de 2018 !) : [LINK](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qmkO8YqMlR7TzWDaaWu9yMWKnIDTwNNe/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112624943015473579853&rtpof=true&sd=true) **REMARQUE** : les critères de prospect seront définis à l’aide des [NHL Guidelines](https://www.nhl.com/info/hockey-operations-guidelines). **Candidats à ajouter ensuite** : Tuomisto, Viro, Niederbach, ~~Hanas~~, Buium, Savage, Dower-Nilsson(s), James, Buchelnikov, ~~Augustine~~, Gibson, Doucet —

[VOTE HERE – Poll #3](https://strawpoll.com/XmZRxLRVwnd) — \#1. Simon Edvinsson (LD – 2021 #6) – 72% des 710 votes [[Results]](https://i.imgur.com/eL5VF2l.png) \#2 Marco Kasper (C – 2022 #8) – 75% des 789 voix [[Results]](https://i.imgur.com/vfHt5zg.png)



  1. WillingnessWooden826

    #3 Alex DeBrincat

    In all seriousness, I think things REALLY open up here.

  2. SimplySolace

    Kasper takes poll 2! Starting to see a lot more spread of opinions now, but I think after this poll it’ll get real interesting. Still lots of ways you could go even with this one

    Edit: actually the first **6** votes.. all to different players

  3. Caltroit_Red_Flames

    Sandin Pellikka for me, curious how this goes considering so many were upset with Danielsen at 9 but over the moon with ASP at #17

  4. MoldyMerkin

    Tough one, but I gotta go goalie.

  5. GreenGlassFox

    starting at 3 this gets really interesting, I think Cossa, Danielson, and ASP are gonna get the most votes for spots 3-5 since they are all top 20 picks, but I have no idea what order they are gonna be in.

  6. I was torn between a few on this one. The first two rounds were easy votes for me. This could be a lot of people; Soderblom, Wallinder, Danielson, ASP? Ultimately I went with Cossa though.

  7. SimplySolace

    Thinking of adding Buchelnikov next – any thoughts or alternatives?

  8. Tatar-Tot

    I think Cossa’s ceiling is just too high to not have him here at this point. I really hope he comes even near to that ceiling.

  9. FragmentEx

    I know many are going on ceiling, but I’m going with my eyes now. Soderblom is my answer hands down, but there’s plenty of ways this could go if you have a different metric.

  10. Ph1llyth3gr8

    It’s Cossa. I know he had a slow start last year but we’re seeing significant development and growth from him. He’s going to be, at worst, a good NHL goalie. At best, he might just be elite. He’s got a ceiling as high as anyone at the position and his floor just keeps rising.

  11. coltron57

    Danielson for me. Kasper took the lion’s share last “round” and Danielson has a similar outlook for me in terms of where he fits in the lineup. I’d have Cossa 4 just because there’s always a bit more uncertainty with goalies, but after those four it gets a bit more fun.

  12. Forgetnk1

    Danielson with Wallinder close behind. No prospect remaining has Danielson’s combination of upside and certainty.

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