@Canadiens de Montréal

Caufield contre Cozenz, Boldy et Mercer

Salut, Caufield est peut-être notre meilleur joueur, ou notre 2e meilleur joueur, mais comparé à la Ligue, il ne semble pas meilleur que Mercer, Boldy dans l’esprit des gens.

[https://twitter.com/NHL/status/1678118070924050433](https://twitter.com/NHL/status/1678118070924050433) Échangeriez-vous Caufield contre Cozens ou Boldy ?



  1. Prison-Date-Mike

    I would be happy with the player we have and leave poop throwing to the Twitter users

  2. easy89

    Caufield does have one thing going for him that the others don’t have : elite goal-scoring ability

    Caufield is underrated for two reasons:

    a. He’s small (Mercer is 2nd smallest… at 6 ft tall)

    b. He hasn’t had a full, consistent season.

    If Caufield plays a full, 70+ games next seasons, and pots over 40-45 goals, people will re-evaluate their rankings. But for now, that still remains an « if »

  3. Thaddeauz

    I mean obviously I would expect those result. Their best best numbers are

    Caufield : 26 goals, 46pts, 5′-7 », 0:01min PK

    Mercer : 27goals, 56pts, 6′-0″, 1:18min PK

    Boldy : 31goals, 63pts, 6′-2 », 0:09min PK

    Cozens : 31goals, 68pts, 6′-3 », 1:15min PK, and it’s a center

    Just objectively the right choice is Cozens. Now of course there is reasons behind the numbers for Caufield. He was under a bad coach and exploded the moment he was changed, he then got an injury and had to go through surgery.

    We believe he can be a 40 goals 70pts guy, but he didn’t achieve that yet. The others guy are bigger, some or more versatile and already proved more than Caufield at this moment. Who know who will be the better of the four in a couple of years.

  4. Jaynki

    He is more unidimensional but he is also an absolute better scorer than them.

  5. Peckerhead321

    Cozens is the best of the 4

  6. oReevee

    Cozens easily, cheaper contract, Right handed Center, more proven with less playtime than Caufield.

    It’s okay for players to be better than our players, it’s early in all of these players development, Caufield still has the chance to be even better than he’s shown, but right now, it’s Cozens

  7. alamarche709

    Come back to this post in two years when the Slaf-Suzuki-Caufield line is the best in the league and leading us to the Stanley Cup!

  8. HyperFeraligetr

    We have literally zero reason to trade caufiled for cozens or boldy, and neither do Minnesota or Buffalo

  9. habulous74

    He’s better than 90% of the league at the most important facet of the game – scoring.

    Dawson Mercer is not in the same galaxy of worth that Caufield is.

  10. Eazy3006

    Cozens is the most valuable player to a team out of those 4 and it’s not even close.

    Man Buffalo are gonna be scary.

  11. TonyComputer1

    Lol is this a joke man?
    Who has potential to be a 50 goal scorer out of those players?
    Only one of them.

  12. expo1994

    I don’t do Twitter, so I did some searching.
    Mercer is a year younger, but stats show he played more games.

    Player gm/ g/a/ pts

    Cole Caufield. 123/ 53 / 31 / 84

    Matt Boldy 128 /46 /56/ 102

    Dawson Mercer 164 /44/ 54 / 98

    Dylan Cozens. 201/ 48/ 71 / 119

    Anyhow, even with less games played (and with half a season under-utilized), CC has most goals. Although I agree with previous comment that I would NOT trade any of them. Go Habs Gi

  13. slafyousilly

    3 v 1? I still take Caufield.

  14. JustFred24

    Caufield clears Boldy and Mercer. Idk about Cozens tho.

    We’ll see how he produces on a good team tho. Keep in mine he was on a 44 goals pace with a terrible team.

  15. PapaVert

    I’d rather have a talented workhorse than a 1 trick pony sorry cole

  16. OfficialMisterBruh

    I’ll have Cole higher than Mercer and Boldy, Cozens is the only one I’m not sure about.

  17. private_liberty

    Cozens can become a #1 center scoring 35 goals +. If I am Hugues, I dont trade Caufield for Cozens 1 for 1, cause we have centers. However, Cozens is objectively better in my opinion.

  18. Major_Estimate_4193

    !nhlcompare <caufield, cozens, boldly, Mercer> [current-age]

  19. zombiejeesus

    Buy why? He’s our only player with elite goal scoring potential

  20. strangeelement

    Well ain’t that great, images are not working right now on twitter so it’s all blank. Great job, Elmo.

  21. orthloxb

    Nom he is better he has juat been injured. Was on pace for 47 goals last year and his i jury slowed Suzuki.

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