@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

ALEX DEBRINCAT ÉCHANGE AUX RED WINGS (4×7,875 M$), KUBALIK++ À SENS | Réaction et analyse instantanées

COMMERCE RUPTURE dans la LNH !! Pour l’offre complète, voir les détails ci-dessous. Selon vous, qui a remporté ce trade et pourquoi ? Faites-nous savoir dans les commentaires ci-dessous! À DETROIT : F Alex DeBrincat (4×7,875 M$) À OTTAWA : 2024 Choix de 1re ronde (DET ou BOS) 2024 Choix de 4e ronde F Dominik Kubalik (1×2,5 M$) D Donovan Sebrango Assurez-vous de vous joindre à l’équipe et de vous abonner afin de pouvoir impliquez-vous et ne manquerez aucun téléchargement ! Rejoignez le DISCORD et connectez-vous avec le reste de l’équipe ! https://discord.gg/rRDYpTx Restez connecté via TWITTER ! http://www.twitter.com/Data782 Si vous souhaitez FAIRE UN DON à la chaîne, accédez directement à YouTube ou rendez-vous sur http://www.streamlabs.com/data782 Pour toute demande commerciale, contactez-moi à data782yt@ gmail.com #DeBrincat #RedWings #Senators #DetroitRedWings #OttawaSenators #NHL


  1. As a sens fan im hapky with this return.. very comparable to what they paid to get him a year ago.. and now they have cap space to hopefully sign Tarasenko, which compined with Kubalik makes them a better team than they would be if they kept Cat

  2. As a red wing fan, i love this! We desperately needed a 40ish goal scorer. Especially having that pick be a conditional pick. Like you said after next season wings will free up 10+ million in cap space. We're getting a core built now , and i think this team will be more exciting to watch than last year's team.

  3. I think Ottowa made out alright. They didnt really have a choice with Debrincat, and they got some pieces. But man Detroit looks like they're pushing.

  4. Do you think that this signing could create further issues regarding Moritz Seider’s contract extension?

  5. Kubalik averages over 20 goals per season and will only cost $2.5 million this year. From a cap perspective, the Sens didn't do too poorly here. After all, they still have enough room to go after a UFA such as Tarasenko with the $ they saved on not having to pay for ADB.

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