@Coyotes de l'Arizona

ÉNORME : Les Coyotes déménagent probablement

Massive News, alors que les Coyotes de l’Arizona n’ont récemment pas réussi à sécuriser une nouvelle arène. Il semble très probable que l’équipe quittera désormais l’Arizona. Nous parlerons de tout cela et plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui.


  1. Smug Gary Bettman should never have put a team where no one wanted them. The coyotes have admitted to losing between $40-60 million a year since they entered the league. Only thing that kept them alive was profit sharing. Only thing worse is Bettman is floating the idea of putting yet another team in Atlanta….3rd times a charm? BS

  2. The nhl should have just let Balsillie buy the team when he wanted to. They've fucked this situation up so bad that Bettman should be fired for it, which he won't be, but still.

  3. Yotes could move to Hamilton but Toronto would be upset wishing they had a pro team also

  4. Well, anybody have a phone number for the Thrashers I think we’re about to get them back

  5. good move the best news i heard this season ,i HATE the Coyotes arizona never supported that team but the NHL wanted to keep them there

  6. Only way they end up in Harford as The Whalers is if they builds a new facility. I was a life long Whalers Fan , but the XL center is Clown Shoes

  7. Move them to Toronto. We need another team after all this bs. I actually think this could work.

  8. More cities should say no when corporate welfare queens come looking for cushy stadium deals. Why should billionaires get special treatment that ordinary citizens like you or I don't have access to?

  9. Send the team to Canada ! America has to many teams ! Canada hasn’t had a Stanley cup team since 1993 !!! Now half of every team is Canadian but like com on !! Send a team to Saskatchewan or Quebec guaranteed to make money

  10. I’m a Knights fan (Vegas local who got into hockey because of the expansion team) and I feel like success has a lot to do with the Coyotes moving. The knights are loved for 3 reasons : no previous sports team in a city that wanted sports, a tragedy that united the city the first week of the teams existence, and of course the immediate success.

    Arizona cares more about the DBacks, Cards, and Suns. Those teams all do very well, so the state doesn’t need the Coyotes. They’d like them if it was convenient, which it no longer is. The coyotes have been really really awful so it’s hard to rally a fanbase with such dysfunction at all levels.

    If the team went to Quebec or Hartford, the team could win 5 total games across 5 years and they’d fill the arena. There are places who are starving for hockey who’d support the franchise no matter how bad they are.

    Geographically, hockey doesn’t make sense for 10+ of the NHL teams so that’s irrelevant to the move. The move is because of money, greed, lack of success, and low fan support (probably due to the owner’s greed and team’s lack of success)

    Anyways, gonna end this by saying I’m so sorry to the Coyotes fans who have time and time again been totally screwed by this pathetic franchise. No city or fan base deserves losing their team when it should have been very much avoidable…

  11. Now I’m reading the governor of Hartford wants the coyotes and is in talks with Buttman … this is getting coyote ugly

  12. Hockey won't be the same without the Coyotes, hope everything works out for the fans!

  13. The usual suspects Houston and Atlanta obviously present the best long term solution for the NHL, but I would not count out Kansas City.

    Houston and Atlanta lack one distinct advantage that KC has: arena dates and availability. T-Mobile Center has no anchor tenant and their concert dates are largely isolated to weekdays.

    Atlanta already failed at State Farm arena and the Alpharetta project would not be completed until later this decade.

    Houston’s arena already has NBA and premium concert dates.

    To me, KC is a very unconventionally attractive option for the league.

  14. Think it’d be a lot different if they were competing. Management has been horrendous at putting the right people in place

  15. I could tell that there is a passionate fanbase in the desert and I’m sorry if your team relocates but to be honest Quebec City should have their team back FFS even Halifax like I’m sick of all the new teams going to USA when Canadians don’t even care who the cup goes to anymore we just want to see a Canadian team win it… it’s been so long

  16. Houston????🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🖕🏾 Your scared to say SALT LAKE CITY?? That's were Coyotes are going.

  17. Kroenke will be taking over the Sports Arena Development project. Something tells me this team could be headed here where the owner just pays Kroenke rent.

  18. After some research a few weeks after I saw this, they’re not moving. They’re going to request to move back to Footprint center OR propose a new arena in Phoenix or Glendale.
    Edit: If they move we will have to say goodbye, but sports will always live on in Arizona. Every major league will always
    have some sort of legacy of a team existing in Arizona.

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