@Flyers de Philadelphie

À quel point les Flyers seront-ils compétitifs lors de la saison 2023-34 ?

La défensive a besoin de travail, mais elle pourrait avoir une attaque décente et son gardien de but devrait la retenir dans les matchs. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AFyA9FqrZ57bb9QRH77wg/join Rejoignez-nous sur notre discord pour discuter de hockey, parler avec d’autres pendant le jeu, partager des photos d’animaux, et plus encore. https://discord.gg/thehockeyguy Commandez des maillots chez Ben H Sports tout en économisant 10 % sur les prix eBay indiqués en lui envoyant un e-mail concernant les maillots que vous repérez dans ses annonces. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Dis-lui juste que Shannon t’envoie. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Instagram : thgshannon et thg_cats Spoutible : https://spoutible.com/TheHockeyGuy TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail .com Contactez-moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1 Aux États-Unis : Shannon Skanes 1125 Fir Avenue Suite 119 Blaine, WA 98230


  1. Farabee could get 60 pts, but he may be -20 as well… No idea if Flyers fans want that. I am sad to see Kiefer Bellows go, that is a tough loss I think. He probably could have made the NHL but was left on an airplane too long by NYI. I do think getting rid of Kevin Hayes is addition by subtraction as well. And don't count on Cutter cutting it in the NHL either… Also keep an eye on Jay OBrien for a late season addition after the NCAA season ends. He is entering his 4tth year as an overager, but can put up at a ppg page in Hockey East. Could walk on and play wing at some point. Has a great scoring touch.

  2. Farabee, Frost, Cates, and York make big next level steps….Flyers will make playoffs.

  3. Bettman’s latest moneymaking scheme: seasons as long as “Game of Thrones” winters.

  4. Another D-Man would make this lineup more respectable but I hope Briere resists the temptation. I still think we are a bottom 7 team in the league depending on injuries – Hart will steal a few games but there just isn't enough talent to win more games than last season. Cannot wait to see more of Foerster in the lineup, and more development from guys like York, Tippett, Cates, and Frost

  5. You're not setting the bar very high at bottom five. Whether the end up 1st worst or fifth worst, what's the real difference? Honestly if your bad you may as well tank and increase your odds of getting that draft pick. I'm saying they are worst team in the east, easily.

  6. I only watching because of 2034. lol. btw future me. I think phily will win a stanley cup by 2034.

  7. This team is absolutely going to end up in the bottom 5 of the league, regardless of whether or not Couturier plays. Unless they make some crazy additions, but what'd even be the point of that when they have no chance of making the playoffs. And who'd even wanna sign there or be traded there? Just look at this roster. It's awful.

  8. Ryan Ellis is kinda like Bigoot. You hear about him from time to time and see a blurry photo once in awhile but are unsure he even exists.

  9. I'm kinda worried about Gauthier… your (arguably) #1 prospect doesn't show up to development camp and your GM 'assumes' it's because he has played a lot of hockey? Never mind the fact that he has not played more hockey than prospects his age, he's played less than many of them actually. Add to that the fact that he isn't signed yet and you could understand the worry…
    Has Briere updated the media about this? Or are we just assuming everything is fine, maybe just some bad communication? I find it very surprising that the #5 pick 2022 still isn't signed

  10. Need more prospects, draft picks and young guys developing, that's our goal.
    Not saying tank at all, but Cates, Foerster, Brink, Tippett, Frost need a lot of ice time this season.
    HAD to move Sanheim this offseason, we don't want defenceman with long term contracts (Risto's is bad enough!!!)

  11. Really feels like they're trying to open a window in about 3 years. Team is good enough to sell tickets (if Atkinson and Coots stay healthy, and TK scores at his usual clip) but not good enough to win yet.

  12. Are they done yet though?
    Or sanheim,Laughton,kenecny,hart,DeAngelo,other trades could happen or wait til first quater of season teams access what need more or players they thought were ready,or signed arnt working.

  13. unfortunately that last crop of young promising defensemen never really panned out, provorov is good but not as good as he looked sometimes earlier in his career, sanheim is fine but inconsistent, morin, ghost, hagg, myers all had moments but none of them wound up being that legit top pair guy (or even 4-6 guy); like 8 years ago the talk was the flyers have so many good D prospects they'll get some great nhlers and be able to trade some for help elsewhere . . . drafting is hard

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