@Wild du Minnesota

Travis Yost: la baisse des performances laisse Matt Dumba se sentir sous pression

Travis Yost: la baisse des performances laisse Matt Dumba se sentir sous pression



  1. 4four4MN

    He signs a one or two year discounted contract and keeps his home in Minnesota.

  2. MrNotSoGoodTime

    Dumba seems like a great dude but I think that article clearly outlines on a basic level why his time in Minnesota is done from a statistical standpoint. The dude just isn’t what he was and we need the next big thing to step in and take over, whenever we find them. I don’t think he fits the current system at all based on the numbers despite being an important locker room and on ice presence. Sometimes when you love them you have to let them go so you both can prosper.

  3. mathm8

    God this is terrible writing

    >The decline has been so glaring that we are two weeks into unrestricted free agency and Dumba remains unsigned

    There are many reasons why a player may be unsigned two weeks into free agency – they are taking some serious liberties by implying that declining performance is the only possible reason

  4. Familiar_Armadillo95

    He got wayy to much cred in Minnesota for being a fake tough guy and not providing much. We need real tough guys

  5. rc2779

    Soucy would have been a good Pick up since Seattle stole him away. But I guess they are waiting on gus bus and duhaime. I think soucy got singed for Like 3 million. If gus went for 3 and duhaime for 1.5. Still got 4 mil.

  6. OnWingsOfShadow

    Ah, yes. Matt ‘Gets Around’ Dumba.

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