@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Marner parle aux médias… Où vont les Maple Leafs à partir de maintenant? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde et Jesse Blake discutent des commentaires de Mitch Marner dans les médias. Sommes-nous d’accord avec ce qu’il a dit? Pensons-nous que les résultats changeront s’ils reviennent en arrière ? Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour les produits dérivés et plus encore. Toute opinion exprimée n’est pas un conseil, une promesse ou une suggestion qui augmente les chances de gagner. Le jeu peut créer une dépendance, veuillez jouer de manière responsable. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : https://help.sportsinteraction.com/hc/en-us/articles/216779528-Responsible-Gaming-Self-Limitation-Self-Exclusion Ou si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant un problème de jeu, appelez ConnexOntario 1 -866-531-2600. Ontario seulement. Doit avoir 19 ans ou plus pour jouer. Visitez les commanditaires de cet épisode : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. The Leafs had the opportunity to break this up before July 1 this year. At this time, they only have a Nylander trade that is possible. Dubas' stuck TML with 4 contracts that were unrealistic in a cap system. I realize Dubas' could not predict covid but he negotiated those 4 contracts as if he was the player's agent. We need some change.

  2. Every year after they get eliminated, they say “We have to be better.” You think? At the end of the day, nothing changes. They get out worked in the playoffs and then head to their cottages to play golf. I appreciate their talents, I really do, but this is getting old.

  3. MORE meat on the blue line requiredm … still, … after 'all' these years.
    … as it is it is not good enough.

    No playoff ready goalie.

    At least one of the top four must go to get beef on the blue line and then, 'still' no playoff ready goalie.

    Shanahan FIRED now today
    Keefe FIRED now today
    … a pizza delivery boy as GM
    Enjoy the three ring circus.
    FORGET about the playoffs and winning the cup.

  4. This is the team boys. Sooo don't hate wat I say next but keep Nylander but don't extend his contract. It's win this year or nothing. Ok start giving me the hate comments

  5. Stop talking about the 4 the way you are. It’s exhausting and they are awful takes. Matthews, Mitch and Willy are fine. Where we deviated from the plan is once we signed Tavares for the amount we did. I thoroughly believe this is a coaching problem. That room needs a new voice. That one scene in The documentary where Sheldon talks with Spezza saying I think I’ve lost the room has always stuck with me. Those 4 need a new voice, this team needs a new voice. This wasn’t mentioned in this clip but you’ve brought it up many times, but for gosh sakes, leave Morgan Rielly out of your mouths. Man loves it here, has passion and performs like a mad man in the playoffs and literally just signed a contract here long term. A hometown boy in Ryan O’Rielly didn’t even want to stay here but Morgan does.

    These 3 (Marner, Matt’s, Willy) can still reach another level. Tavares? He’s on the decline and is slow as heck and has no more potential as he’s reached his ceiling.

    Trust me. With the personnel Brad has brought in this is going to be a different team. I think there will be more passion and more grinding from this team. Reavers is definitely not going to hold back on Marner, Matt’s and Willy. He speaks his mind and calls out BS. You thought Bunting was a Rat? Well Bertuzzi is like Godzilla compared to him lol man steals sticks from players. Domi sure as heck is going to be a key voice in the room because he has been dying to play here and wants to win badly.

    We haven’t had character personnel in this locker for a very long time. Ryan O’Rielly was the most recent one in a long time but he couldn’t shoulder it by himself. The core 4 are mainly quiet guys except Marner. Tavares is quiet af, Willy does his business and Matts is mediocre on being quiet.

    Anyways, long story short. No point in complaining. This is your team and this is the cards we have. Now let’s route for them because that’s all we can do at this point. Wait until the new season before complaining the 4 are still together. It is what it is. But I do think this is going to be a different season and we will see them get to another level.

  6. I wanna see the team/Tavares take the c off and give it to one of these 3 idiots(core 3 not the sdpn guys😂) and say this is YOUR team now COMPETE LEAD WIN, if they dont their not deserving of any money so trade them all. Go back to square one because we aren't winning with these guys. Let them be peices and win somewhere else.

  7. Marner and Nylander care about money first. If that continues we’ll never win a cup

  8. Lmfao dude says the exact same crap every year. You got paid 11 mill and still can't get 100 points. You should be outright apologizing to every fan you meet. Wtf is going on over there lol.

  9. You would be better Mitch if you made 3 million a year which is all you’re worth. Wimp.

  10. The leafs & Treveling are hoping, & praying that their core4, will suddenly awaken to play with grit, guts & determination because of Bertuzzi & Domi ? That’s crazy. It’s also why Ryan O’Reilly bailed out. He doesn’t want his reputation tarnished by a Loser!

  11. Regular season means nothing! For all those dubasite leaf fans it means nothing! If you care about a cup win dubas fucked this team. And the spoiled over paid players who only care about the money, are wrecking our chances we should’ve traded marner when we could have

  12. Y'all really like the pride flag eh..I think smothering people with that pride flag right after a whole month of pride followed by a two year of the 10,000 gender and sexuality inclusivity narrative is very exhausting..I love the show but can we just focus on sports..no one cares if your gay or not..there's much bigger things going on in the world than the look at me and if u don't your racist and homophobic crowd

  13. "We gotta be better, yada yada, get the pucks in deep.. Oh and keep ankle balling the whole team by paying 4 players a huge amount of money for not winning anything." Just kidding, please raise their salaries by 5 mill each. I promise it will work. The memes must be fed.

  14. As not Leafs fan i am worried about this team next season, they have added Domi and Bertuzzi with pretty cheap deals and they will make bottom 6 strong. Reaves deal i like so now they have one 4th line "police" who can deal with anyone in this league. Klingberg is the one what is not making them better but is dangerous in their second powerplay. Samsonov is strong. As Devils fan i fear them.

  15. How have the Leafs not even once won their division with the core that they have? The all Canadian division does not count.

  16. The comment from Marner about his buddies coming before the team says it all about the Leafs pathetic culture and deication of players to the team. Spoiled children run the Leafs organization!

  17. Leaf fans be like, “What do you mean you cannot get pass round 1”

    Leafs fans also be like, “Finally they showed up and won round 1”

    Leafs fans also be like, “What bums, they lost in round 2 and did not show up in the playoffs”

    Leaf fans also be like, “Finally a Toronto born superstar”

    Leaf fans also be like, “94 Points in a season, wow what a player”

    Leafs fans also be like, “What a bum taking 10.9 million”

  18. Urgency to sign Nylander right now is a mistake. You are literally the only team not in the ultra-low tax group that has an easy time attracting free agents. If you aren't willing to pay Nylander $11 million, what's the risk in letting him get 25 games into the season and show that he's worth the $10m he wants? A mildly slower start, say 10 goals and 11 assists in 25 games will drag his value a bit, whether he signs with you or someone else. If you get deep into the season and can't get an extension signed, both making a hockey trade or letting him walk have their own merits. If he walks there are good players out there who will be willing to fill that cap space.

  19. You guys sound like a broken record at this point.. talk about something other than how you wish they broke up the core

  20. Mitch Marner’s only deficiency is that due to him not being a power forward but of a slim build who fears being hit hard, he often loses battles along the boards. If enforcer Ryan Reaves says to him, “Mitch buddy, I got your back!”, Marner will be much braver on the ice.

  21. Blues fan here. We love Oshie. He was our superstar but time and time again he didn’t show up during the playoffs so Armstrong traded him and sent the message to the team if you don’t show up in the playoffs your spot on the team is not guaranteed.

  22. Frustrating that it's clear they'll go nowhere with this marshmallow core, but management keep the repeat cycle going anyway. Marner's just a self serving punk with a sense of entitlement and inflated ego. (Other than that, he's fine). The current drama with Nylander will be nothing compared to Marner a year from now. Leafs need to trade Nylander now to send a message to the 3 stooges that they're not running things.

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