@Red Wings de Détroit

YZERMAN’S OFFSEASON & RED WINGS OUTLOOK – Podcast Winged Wheel – 16 juillet 2023

L’intersaison est là, et il est temps de s’installer enfin, de faire le point sur les Detroit Red Wings, de voir ce qu’il reste à faire pour Steve Yzerman, et de se détendre un peu (on ne s’en va pas, on descend juste à 1 épisode/semaine pour l’été). Connectez-vous alors que nous commençons par analyser quels sont les trous de la liste à Hockeytown et quels mouvements restent pour que Steve Yzerman ait vraiment construit un candidat aux séries éliminatoires autour de Dylan Larkin, Moritz Seider, Lucas Raymond et Alex DeBrincat (4:25). Nous examinons la question de William Nylander, aussi improbable soit-elle, et si un échange pour lui en vaudrait la peine ou même possible (11:15). Ensuite, on vous raconte nos « Red Wings à surveiller » à l’approche de la saison prochaine : quels joueurs sommes-nous le plus curieux de suivre au cours d’une saison ? Nous discutons de Jake Walman, Jonatan Berggren, Andrew Copp, JT Compher et autres (16:55). Ensuite, avec l’espace de plafond restant, que peut faire d’autre Steve Yzerman pour en tirer parti, le cas échéant (28:40) ? Enfin, nos réflexions sur les espoirs des Red Wings / les joueurs des Grand Rapids Griffins à surveiller alors que nous discutons de Nate Danielson, Axel Sandin Pellikka, Carter Mazur, Marco Kasper, William Wallinder, Albert Johansson, Simon Edvinsson et bien d’autres (avec quelques bonus reconstruire la stratégie de GM /discussion sur le plafond salarial) (32:50). Après cela, quelques nouvelles de la LNH (52:00) avant de répondre à vos questions et commentaires pendant les prolongations (54:30) – profitez-en ! Rendez-vous sur wingedwheelpodcast.com pour trouver toutes les façons d’écouter, comment soutenir l’émission et bien plus encore. Billets Roast & Toast: https://jamiedanielsfoundation.org/featured-event/save-the-date-roast-toast-of-tomas-holmstrom-and-niklas-lidstrom/ —– Merci de nous avoir fait le le plus gros podcast des Detroit Red Wings en ondes ! #RedWings #LGRW Site Web : https://www.wingedwheelpodcast.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/wingedwheelpodcast Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/WingedWheelPod (Consultez la bio pour suivre les hôtes !) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wingedwheelpodcast Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wingedwheelpodcast Écoutez sur… Apple Podcasts : https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/winged- wheel-podcast/id969768868 Podcasts Google : https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLmZlZWRidXJuZXIuY29tL1dpbmdlZFdoZWVsUG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741Ul xPMGtaS SoundCloud : https://open. spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741UlxPMGtaS Flux RSS : http://wingedwheelpodcast.libsyn.com/rss


  1. Brad is such a negative Nellie. Raymond and Debrincat won't play on the same line. wouldn't surprise me that Ras is on 1st line with larks, and cat. Perron, copp, and raymond on 2nd. JT, sprong and Berggren on 3rd, Valero, fabbri, klostim.

  2. I wonder what the cost would be for Detroit to acquire Kyle Connor. Imagine having Kyle Connor Dylan Larkin and Alex DeBrincat as your top line. You could call that line "The Michigan line." I know it would cost a lot to acquire Kyle Connor. 2026 & 2027 1st Alexandre Doucet and Robbi Fabbri?

  3. The Edvinsson surgery was voluntary. They decided to do this to prevent possible future problems. So this seems like the best time in their minds to do the procedure. I'm sure everyone in the organization understands how this will or will not affect him.

  4. Ever sinse we signed Alex Brad is saying we have nobody anymore on our other lines and we still the worst team in the league like were Chicago or something. We dont have the cap space or ever have the cap space to go and just by a cup. He lost all his confidence in our pipeline now. Smake him and wake him up. Cant keep signing free agents and think were gonna be able to sign prospects att all

  5. I wonder if Yzerman will be able to get Seider to sign a 8 year contract. If 8 year, I think it's 9-9.5M AAV. If it's 5 years, it's 8-8.5M AAV.

  6. I can see Sieder winning a Norris this year, due to knowing the new system, confidence in Walman, 2nd year is past, hes going t be able to relax because of the other defense signing

  7. The Copp contract won't be an anchor as it goes on. $5 mil will basically be like 3 or 4 mil after/as the cap continues to go up.

  8. Brad, What is the reason for this negative attitude. 2 of 3 were high of the Cat deal. The latter is like me, wake me up when there is something to talk about "in the middle of the season" since its RW we are talking about. Of RW/Ott/Buf, my money is on Buffalo, Ott as a good second choice and lastly RW. During 82 games and a lot can happen or change over that time.

    Open market will be on the same terms as before, increase competition within the team parts for everyone to compete on paper. S.Y has said that no one is sure of a place and that all young people have the same opportunities as everyone else by "earning it". If things turn out well then RW management staff have a pleasure to solve, not S.Y's fault but his job.

    Kasper will fight for a place where Velano (RFA and not sign yet) is the weak link, in addition to him we have Nate and as the new face we can foresee the norm of "usually get at least a season" in the minors before getting a call-up. There is a small possibility that RW will create a Kid line, Kasper,Burger and any wet OR Rasmussen on that line. I am convinced that Velano is not in S.Y's long term plans. What happened with Rasmussen rehab and where he stands today. I don't know as I haven't followed his journey. However, Rasmussen has all the personal qualities of an energy player that S.Y loves and prefers to have on his team.

    RW has around 9 wingers on the roster at the moment if you count Coop as he has great opportunities to flex without major problems. BTW, thanks for the reminder from a veteran Fan about Coop's qualities. Weakest link here is "Fabbri" as no one knows how his two legs will hold together let alone for a full season. Perron, has a year left and M-NTC and could be moved at TDL. If that doesn't happen, the move will take place next summer. Probably back to the Blues if he will do more seasons in the NHL. It is with some sadness that I say that Perron is a top 6 player in RW and of course thinking about his increased age. Few players can match Perron's strengths in the game and for a GM he is a wet dream to have on his team for those very qualities.

    Defence, RW has 7 defenders and here it is Lindström who is the fill-in player. No news as Gustav has already assumed that role in RW during his time. Edvinsson starts in GR to play a few or more games in the NHL during the season. His shoulder injury in May is something that RW will "baby sit" aka insurance for his future participation jadda-jadda. At best, Edvinsson is back to camp or around mid-Nov, that's how his forecast looks, as it was stated in May that he will be out for 4-6 months.

    I don't think the first line will contain Lukas, more of Lark/Cat/Rasmussen. 2nd line, JT/Lukas/Perron, 3rd Kasper (C)/Coop/Burger. There are several different imaginary lines to create here, a positive problem for the RW staff to solve, not me. Looking over 82 games, I think RW is doing a better year than previous years of their "number games" and their 200th game. If it's enough for the playoffs, it's very thanks to how other teams are doing with injuries and other good things that are part of the sport e.i RW team cohesion.

    In the RW pipeline, there is tons of talent here and the best part is that there are far too many to even begin to mention them. I chose Edvinsson as the dividing line, because it was a simple thing to put out as a bar for all the others to compete over.

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