@Red Wings de Détroit

Le hockey de la LNH n’avait JAMAIS vu ça auparavant.

#nhl #hockey #hockeytraining #detroitredwings Le ‘Magic Man’ Pavel Datsyuk a changé le jeu pour toujours. Dans cette vidéo, nous examinons en profondeur comment la créativité de Datsyuk des deux côtés du jeu a eu un impact massif sur l’avenir du hockey. Je tiens à remercier notre sponsor pour la vidéo d’aujourd’hui: Training Hockey Training Hockey Training YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/hockeytraining hockey Shop: https://shop.hockeytraining.com/ music amené par bllaowry le suivez sur ⏩ https://www.instagram.com/blaowr Ucehayp3nx4lwparr9mca0nq https://www.beatstars.com/blaowry


  1. He was always the guy I watched most and tried to imitate, absolute legend

  2. Favourite memory of Datsyuk is seeing him play in his rookie season at the Joe. I was about 10 years old and my dad took me to see the Wings against the Blackhawks. I can't remember who, but he undressed some poor sap on the ozone blue line and took it in for a goal. All you heard was "OOOOOOO….. then scores WOOOOO YEAHHHHH". That was the only thing everyone in the Joe was talking about that night lol. "You see that Datsyuk kid?!?!"

  3. My favorite Datsyuk memory was on Facebook there was some page that created a bracket of the best goals (I think of the year). Datsyuk had 2 goals shown in the bracket. If I remember correctly, one was a 1-on-2+goalie while the other was a 1-on-3+goalie. The way the bracket was set up, it allowed Datsyuk to get both of his highlight goals to the final where it was literally a vote to pick which one of his 2 goals were the best of the year. Either way that man got both 1st and 2nd place!

  4. A generational talent like Ovi, Gretzky, Stamkos, Lemieux, McDavid, Jage, LaFleur, Kane, Bergeron, the Sedins, Selanne, Jumbo Joe, Messier, etc!!! Unbelievable! I sure miss the magic man!

  5. You have the best hockey videos on YouTube. I watch Johnny Hawkey, I watch OhNyquist, The Hockey Guy, RTH.. I watch them all. You take angles that nobody else takes, your attention to detail is second to none, and you know the game. Keep the great content coming, bro.

  6. So much of what hockey players do today is owed to players of the past like Datsyuk, Orr, Plante, and Salming. Of course I could name many more, the point is that the game as it is today is standing on the shoulders of giants. Datsyuk is one of those giants, an all time great, a true legend of our sport.

  7. Absolute legend, arguably the best all-around Russian hockey player ever. His reverse hits are as electric as his dekes. I'm a Sabres fan but those Red Wings teams were such a treat to watch. They just checked every single box.

  8. I blame the lack of talent put around Datsyuk while in his prime do to Ken Holland. Abdelkader being on the same line as him just doesn't sit right and if he had Elite wingers during his prime, he'd have multiple 100pt seasons.

  9. I wish I could give this vid 1000 more likes. Love it. However, you missed the Grier Sharts crash dangle. That one is my fave, even though all of them are my faves.

  10. IMO, he belongs in the HoF based on his unique creativity and all around skill, but he also won the Cup in his rookie year and won it again leading the team in 2008. As soon as he left the Wings, their platoff streak ended.

  11. As a wings fan growing up I can’t even explain how lucky I was to see him play in person many times and watch his career. I even had the chance to meet him back in 2011 at a meet and greet type thing. He was super friendly and I remember shaking Hand and getting a picture with him. I didn’t wanna wash my hand the rest of the day 😂 he’s the reason I wore #13 in sports. I could be bias but imo he’s the best 2 way player to ever play. Datsyuk in his prime was an absolute Menace on both sides of the ice. I rememebr back in the day around 2011/12ish they asked tons of NHLers who’s the most toughest player to play against and I believe most players said he was the hardest to play against and take the puck away from etc….Datsyuk was special. I can’t say enough good things about him. His skill and hockey IQ was off the charts. It’s crazy how long he’s been gone from the NHL now. He changed the game. I don’t think young kids realize how special and dominant this man was. But we’ll always have many highlights to watch forever lol

  12. I honestly would take a prime Datsyuk over anyone else in the NHL right now, even mcdcvid. I swear to god. He was that good. I don’t care about the points, if you can put up close to a PPG or just over and give me datsyuk two way game. I’ll take that all night.

  13. Watching Datsyuk in person was so odd, he looked like he was floating around barely taking strides and managed to dangle entire teams. I was in Sochi for the 2014 Olympics and even though he lost he put Russia on his back against the USA

  14. My favorite goal of his was a shoot out agains Thomas Vokun, and the announcer said “OH MY HE HAD THOMAS VOKUN OUT OF FOURTH STREET!”

  15. What he did to logan couture is something we will never see again. …. and he fought Corey Perry and won IMO

  16. I feel like I missed out on Datsyuk. I got into the NHL in 2021. Who today would you liken him to, if that's even possible?

  17. My all-time favourite player! Call me crazy (or possibly biased), but I really do think Elias Pettersson is the closest thing the league has seen to Datsyuk since…well, Datsyuk. Both stylistically and in terms of his all-around impact on the game, Petey has that same alien-like quality to his game. I hope Petey gets his due some day soon as well, because the guy is a freak in much the same vein as Datsyuk.

  18. I grew up watching the Predators and Red Wings rivalry in Nashville. At that point in time the Red Wings consistently had the better team so I knew the good guys were probably going to take an L. Regardless, I would get excited to watch Datsyuk make everyone look silly. He had a lot of highlight moments against the Preds and he will always be a player that has a special place in my hockey memory.

  19. I remember when these guys mastered the drop pass. It looked so beautiful then. Only todays Lightning look as skilled and a talented when using that play.

  20. i mean there has not been a single nhl player like him again. He was exceptional in every single category. i think if someone like him was to come through the draft they would have to be considered a generational talent

  21. This is when unparalleled creativity, hard work, stick handling, and superior skating come together.

    It would be interesting to know how much pond hockey Datsyuk played during his childhood since there are not too many coaches that support a freewheeling spirit to go this direction as a young player. Most coaches hide within the "latest" system so they can check every box in case their team is not doing great. The scout of the German soccer national team once mentioned the sheer importance of street-, or backyard soccer and mentioned a single player he once saw in Portugal who had zero days in organized soccer. The player was, according to the scout, technically better and more creative than any of the national team members…why? Because that player had the freedom to develop in any direction.

    With Datsyuk, the crazy thing was that he had not only that sheer creativity but also understood and was able to integrate into the team system bringing the best of both worlds (creativity vs system and reliability) together.

    Yet, I am certain there was so much more work behind what we were able to enjoy watching him skating his behind off and outworking his opponents…

  22. when the puck hit Datsyuk's stick, the entire opposition would collectively pause and contemplate NOT making a mistake. give him space, bad move. charge at him, bad move. try and corner him, the blind pass was exquisite.
    what i loved the most? the pure respect/fear the other team had. he was a gentleman and a force to be reckoned with.

  23. Umm yeah I am not lieing I did not look it up or anything on YouTube growing up playing hockey. YouTube wasn't around

  24. The simpletons criticize his lower scoring stats than other stars (because goals and assists are obviously the only thing that matters as evidenced by guys like McDavid or Ovechkin winning the cup a combined 1 time in the 27 seasons they've played), who fucking cares about defense. For most of those years that the league was doing everything it could to cater to Crosby, it was Datsyuk, not Crosby, who was being voted the toughest player to play against by the actual players in the league and doing things no one had ever seen.

    Even outside of the dekes, I don't know that there's been another backhand goal from past the faceoff dot that went in far side in league history.

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