@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST-RAW | Jay Woodcroft 19.02.23

Jay s’adresse aux médias suite à une défaite de 6-5 en prolongation contre l’Avalanche dimanche après-midi.


  1. All you do is make excuses, Mr. Coach. Or what did you admit? Have you admitted that three defeats in a row after the team had the advantage is your personal failure as a coach? Because you don't know how to put discipline in the team, discipline on removals, and we see in each game 5 moments of the game in the minority. This time 3 already in the first period, and so the whole season. Or did you admit that for the whole season you could not play a single effective link and all your players mix from game to game and do not understand each other at all? Absolutely not played, I don't feel when to give and take a pass. Or did you admit that the links were made up incompetently? or you admitted that you deliberately destroyed the most effective link between Leon and Connor and, with a complete failure in the results, you deliberately continue not to put them together, although this link is the only one in your team that shows hockey. Or you admitted that you understand the fact that if you removed McDavid from the team, you would not have risen from the last line of the table, and this means that there is simply no team, there is no team game, there are no links played. A lot of games were failed precisely because of the lack of discipline and constant deletions. Your players so easily allow themselves to withdraw and substitute the team, it is obvious that it is you as a coach who are not able to influence this in any way. Are you saying you don't want excuses? Then tell us what you expect by putting a new squad in each link for each game? There is a concept of sports psychology, one powerful link would make all the others pull after themselves according to the results, but you don't understand this. You try to play Leon with weaker players and do not notice that Leon has ceased to be at least somewhat dangerous. The only thing that the team has is the 1 link of the majority, but you persistently continue not to notice their effectiveness and they do not play together in the game. The whole and main problem of the team is you, Mr. Coach. Your inability to assemble at least two permanent and dangerous links that would pull out the games. Your inability to establish discipline and stop withdrawing throughout the game. Your inability to see which players to put in which link to each other. Your experiments with the mix of the composition look like cheap promotions in the supermarket, it's not suitable for hockey. You will definitely be remembered as the first coach in the history of hockey who managed to destroy the most dangerous link in the history of hockey. The best solution for the team would be to hire another specialist. You look like a man who was given a violin, and he hammers nails into it without understanding why it is. All your players look confused in every game, confused because they don't understand who to play with whom and what to play. There is no team energy, no team spirit, no strength, no will. Every game is a lottery, either Puluyarvi will hit the goal today and suddenly score, or he will not be able to process 10 passes again. Either Hyman will still learn to play the pass or he will still carry the puck under his nose, destroying all the attacks of the team. All this looks surprisingly mediocre, and is checked very easily. If you do not agree with the criticism, answer yourself the question – where would you be in the standings if you were not in Mcdevid's team? And you will realize that you simply don't have a team. This is the result of your work, it does not exist. Most of all, I feel sorry for Connor, he does a huge amount of work on the site…The volume that cannot be reflected in points or achievements is the brilliant and talented work of one person who is trying to pull out the whole team that is flying into the abyss.

  2. Im happy for jay finally admitting there is a problem and needs to be fixed. There's a pattern of hockey we are playing right now and its so infuriating to watch us give up huge leads then lose in OT. Im hoping for some adjustments going forward so i can watch alot of playoff hockey. lets go oil

  3. Good on him for not sugar-coating the situation; but he needs to be making some better coaching decisions also.

  4. Players need to hear this finally Jay owning up too it. Throwing away points here in a tight pacific race. Can’t score 5 and still loose.

  5. Oilers are all about scoring goals, the coaching has no experience with keeping the puck out of the net, only putting in the net, hence why the oilers are a easy team to come back against.

  6. For you to not use the word "embarrassing" is ridiculous Jay….disappointing is such an understatement..tell the truth and call out your team and players like you are supposed to do!! Part of your job!

  7. The Pre-Game Plan was Golden again for the 2nd game in a row ,but the ability to read and react then adjust was lethargic again. The Dr has seen enough. The diagnosis is a direct lack of Intuitive Instinctual playaction recognition and b proxy an inability to adjust the System on-the-fly. The Remedy is a full dose of Moma2 every game until the Regular Season is over. Woody and Dave are doing their jobs, however the NHL is the best League in the World because everybody has multiple layers of support, Woody is clearly missing a little something . Time to spin the bottle and get things back on track ASAP.

  8. Poor coaching decisions (i.e. having Nuge out there for last face-off), McDavid & Draisaitl look exhausted… no juice in any over times I’ve seen. What in the world is a guy like McDavd doing on the penalty kill?! Playing way too much. Draisaitl and McDavid have become again, a defensive liability. I think it’s a lack of concentration/fatigue. There are other guys that can be put out there to shut things down.

  9. Coach finally decides to be honest. This has been an issue since the start of this season: DEFENCE.

  10. You said it yourself contribution from player up and down the line up now play these players more yours stars are tired. when you were first coaching this team you played everyone, everyone felt like they were part of the team, just falling into the Trap as all the other coaches for playing Connor and Leon so much they're going to be gas for the playoffs my friend.

  11. I want to see Bouchard traded before his ELC expires absolutely infuriating game in and game out.

    The blind passes need to stop from Dria. Yes you are an all world player but help the team defensively by not coughing up possession to try and be an offensive hero every second shift.

    Another complaint,

    There needs to be a team mentality here when you loose the puck you are a honey badger until you get possession back. If you’re to gassed to back check then get TF off the ice before trying to dangle three guys.

    That statement can be said for 7-8 players on the oil.

    Absolute MADNESS

  12. Erik Karlsson will not help this team get better defensively. The team already has 2 of the best players in the planet, and other up for career years in Hyman and Nuge. Getting goals is not their problem, its fishing them out of the back of their net.

  13. Woody its time to go to the Hammer & Anvil. We can all feel things slipping away now ok, bring back Vinny and Neimalainen and make our blueline a No-Fly zone. We cannot afford 3-4 more losses right now. Time to start batteling in the Trenches.

  14. d has been problem. why don't u do something… 15 goals against for last 3 games.. same old story… over and over again.

  15. Jay, QUIT making your stars kill penalties, not only are you exhausting them, but we have better penalty killers who can do the job better imo….ie McLeod , Forgele, Janmrak, Kostin, Yama etc… And dont make Bouchard kill penalties , too much of a liability, and bring Desharnais back!…

  16. Connor and Leon had a great game. You could see Leon really bounce back after the last game. Oiler fans are proud of you Leon for getting right back up and fighting for another day.

  17. Jay, please play that Stallone / Rocky speech non stop in the locker room in between periods. The harder you get knocked down the faster you get back up. Never let anything keep you down. You keep getting up and you keep fighting. That's how you win!

  18. Foegele was on his way out of the line up until he recovered with 2 big goals. Great focus by Foegele to stay positive and keep his head in the game.

  19. Even though our D hung Jack out to dry again, Jack is teetering on the old Jack (first half the season) and the new Jack (2nd half of the season). Jack needs to decide who he wants to be. Back up or starter?

  20. You just can't have our best shut down D stuck in the minors for Yamo. We have enough offensive drive without Yamo. Holland needs to find a way for Desharnais to return to the line up. Sounds like it may happen with Kane out with injured ribs. Unless the Oiler's doctors say Yamo needs to come out due to potential concussion risks.

  21. Unfortunately, Jay's not acknowledging or paying attention to his own player data, stats and metrics. His coaching choices regarding game management is, to politely put it, confusing. From face offs, to over playing the stars, McDavid on the PK (which is always a hit and miss) risking McDavid getting cracked in the leg with a blocked shot, to D pairing, constantly overplaying Nurse. It's a statistical fact anything beyond 15 minutes for Nurse, Nurse starts becoming a liability. Top of the period personnel choices, OT personnel choices, shoot out personnel choices, over playing the big guns repeatedly…all of these repeat offender choices are making no sense whatsoever. Jay is arguably a big reason for these preventable losses. Not understanding the game of chess from one move to the next for a full 60 minutes. Jay is getting out coached by experienced coaches in critical areas and on the fly situations. That has painfully become obvious. And Jay knows it.

  22. Disgusting. If it was early in the season,ok, but in the middle of a playoff battle? Garbage.

  23. Brutal defensive effort from some of the top players. Trying to be too fancy coming out of our own end and continually turning the puck over with ill advised cross ice passes instead of the D skating the puck out then looking for the safer break-out pass. We need to committ to playoff type mentality now if we want to close the gap and actually win the Pacific. Nurse continues to get manhandled down low and doesn't appear able to clear the front of the net with much needed physicality. I love the offensive makeup of this team, but if you're going to play that type of hockey, then you need to absolutely blow teams out of the building and not expect to sit back on a precarious lead against a team like the Av's. There is way too much offensive talent in the league and every team is desperate for points and not going to lay down at this time of the year. Definitely a winnable game that hopefully they learn from. Gut check time boys, Go Oilers!!

  24. I don't understand why he didn't dress the full 18 skaters. Is it a salary-cap thing ? Bring back big Deharnais

  25. Woody needs to deal with the high intensity deep forechecking/full court press that has been 86ing the Oilers, everyone is doing it, its working, Woody has to stop it from working . The opposition knows their odds improve dramatically if McDavid has to fight his way out of his own zone and that the other 5 guys on the ice are far more likely to make a mistake than 97 is.. Colorado snuffed us in the Playoffs following this template and we have not given a firm reply yet. Time to make changes maybe.

  26. Man Connor Mcdavid is such a Goat, living in Edmonton & watching greatness every other night can really motivate ya.

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