Ovie the close up in #2. Bondra bottom left #3. Only ones I’m sure of. Sweet find!
Edit: sorry didn’t open the pictures the first time just scrolled through on the Reddit version. Bondra’s signature in #3 is the one closest to the CCM logo if you click it open.
Ovie the close up in #2. Bondra bottom left #3. Only ones I’m sure of. Sweet find!
Edit: sorry didn’t open the pictures the first time just scrolled through on the Reddit version. Bondra’s signature in #3 is the one closest to the CCM logo if you click it open.
I think some are not capitals
especially the #10
Bill Ranford bottom of first image
Pat Peake above Ranford (upside-down)
Richard Zednik above Peake (upside-down)
Dimitri Khristich is the #8 [See?](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/tfoAAOSwh6xkUT67/s-l1600.png)
Mark Tinordi is your #24
Maybe Nolan Baumgartner next to Tinordi
Craig Laughlin on the collar
Adam Oates on the third photo.