@Flyers de Philadelphie

Pour passer le temps : D’où viens-tu, depuis quand es-tu et qu’est-ce qui a fait de toi un fan des Flyers ?

Premièrement : Fuck les stylos. Je viens de Suisse et je suis fan des Flyers depuis l’âge de 9 ans et j’ai joué à NHL 2000 (qui a toujours le meilleur [intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9R-MsWsaCY) jamais). Là-bas, j’ai toujours choisi les Flyers pour jouer car ma couleur préférée était et est toujours l’orange. Oui, à cause de la couleur orange je suis devenu fan des Flyers\^\^. J’ai adoré jouer avec Gagné, Recchi et LeClair. Depuis, mon cœur bat pour l’Orange et le Noir.



  1. RRSC14

    I had no hockey allegiance and the girl I was interested in is a die-hard Flyers fan. I became one so we could bond over something early on 😅

    10 years later we’re married and have been to dozens of games. It’s one of our favorite things to do!

  2. JoelHurts

    I would be suicidal if I was from another city let alone country and decided to pick the flyers of all teams

    Sorry that happened to you.

  3. Designer_Bite3869

    I was born in 1980 and lived in NJ, an hour east of the spectrum. Been a fan for as long as I can remember. I remember my dad used to split the weekend plan with his friend at work and I’d get to go see about 4-5 games a year. Guess that was late 80s early 90s. I remember those tickets were $16 for nosebleeds. Live in MD now and took my 10 year old to his first game last year and paid $100/ticket for almost identical seats 😬 2 hour drive away and who knows what I paid in tolls but well worth it!

  4. daddytc

    Grew up walking distance from the Spectrum. Dad was at Stanley Cup 1. I was at both parades, but too young to remember.

  5. Left_Sea892

    I’m from Brantford, Ontario Canada, I became a Flyer Fan the moment the Edmonton Oiler fans booed Ron Hextal winning the Con Smythe Trophy, Ronnie played his heart out and he deserved that trophy…..GO FLYERS!!

  6. kingdazy

    I’m originally from (and am currently back in) just south of Seattle, and had little hockey to view growing up, and no team to call my own. never really watched the sport.

    moved to Detroit one year in my 20s, for no good reason, and found that if you wanted to talk to cool people, you should probably like hockey a little, preferably the Wings. after a bunch of nights in dive bars cheering on a sport I barely understood, and a team I was unfamiliar with, I kinda stumbled into loving the sport.

    after actually following it for a couple years, and reading about the sports and teams histories, I found that I really gravitated to the Flyers. that was the team for me. and frankly, it’s also my favorite city.

    2 decades later, I’m still a die hard Flyers fan first and foremost, forever. but it’s nice to be able to root for a team of my own now. and so far they don’t suck, so that’s nice too.

  7. well-oiled_machine

    Birthplace: Delco

    Start of Fandom: NHL ’94 for the Genesis

    Reason for Fandom: Indoctrination

  8. DanTreview

    I couldn’t care less about the Pens. I understand why others think that, but I just don’t care.

    Flyers: in the 90s I went to grad school in the area and all my roommates were Flyers fans, and then I married into a Flyers family. Otherwise I like the Sharks and Coyotes.

    So, all I know is pain.

  9. 40Breath

    Ne Philly born and raised, live in nw Philly now. The 1987 paninni hockey sticker book (Fuhr mask on cover) was the thing at school and I joined in. Started watching emerich and clement on Philly 57 soon after and became hooked.

  10. dobsky1912

    Sheffield, South Yorkshire. I’ve loved hockey for a long time (let’s go Steelers) and needed an nhl team with grit and chaos, that and I hate myself so who else but the Flyers? That and Gritty, got to love Gritty.

  11. DundieWinner2018


    Dad was and is a Flyers fan. He always had a picture with Clarke at the old Spectrum framed in our house. I ended up going to Philly every year for that past 13-14 years and became a diehard fan of the Sixers, Eagles, Phillies and Union too. Got a couple Flyers and Philly related tattoos, an Eagles mancave and Flyers home office in the new house.

    Its been painful the last couple years, but I wouldnt have it any other way. LGF !

  12. dipstick73

    Eastern shore MD. Been a flyers fan my whole life. More flyers than caps games were aired in my neck of the woods.

  13. Hour_Mastodon_204

    Philadelphia 27 Ron Hextall when he clobbered Chris Chelios.

  14. LVAthleticsWSChamps

    Names Michael, not Mike, used to be Mikey, from K&A, work as a butcher in Camden, learned how to be a man on front and Ontaria, went to North cuz my dads not a bum and has a good job, don’t get me mixed for them rich kids from Frankford, Ron Jaworski is a real quarterback even tho he’s a P******. Vince Papale tried to date my sister Cathleen. Or maybe that was Colleen, can’t rememba, either way she don’t date Italians, she keeps it in the Parish.

    Anyways I bleed orange and black. Brothers Danny, Franny and I grew up sneaking into the spectrum to watch the broad street bullies play. Once bummed a cigarette from Hammer Schultz. Players today aren’t the same, they were men back then. Lindros was the last real hockey player. Kids these days don’t play right.

  15. Brief-Principle-3097

    My family is from Atlanta and when my dad was a kid the first live game he saw was the Flames vs. the Flyers. When the Flames left Atlanta he began following the Flyers. Growing up my teams were the Flyers and the Avalanche, eventually just the Flyers because they were east coast and I was able to watch more games. Now my wife and me make at least one trip a year to Philly for a game.

  16. sad-dave

    I watched two games of the ’97 finals. It was at the shore with my friends family. I can remember a lot of that trip, but that is the most vivid. I just asked his dad tons of questions as I knew nothing.

    It’s a core memory, and from that moment on it’s been all Flyers.

  17. VorAbaddon

    From Philly. My father played hockey, was a goalie, and grew up on the Bullies. I grew up on Hextall, the Legion of Doom, Rod the Bod, etc. And kept up the tradition.

  18. DrMaxUrban

    Born and raised in Delco. Live in Moncto now. Got in to hockey at age like 5 or so? The mid/late 90s teams will always be my favorite since those are the ones I idolized as a kid.

  19. DVC1985

    England since 1997. We used to get occasional live NHL games shown on Channel 5 here, usually 2/3am starts. As a youngster I didn’t sleep a lot, and at that time there wasn’t much on TV so I would always watch whatever hockey game they were showing that night. I wasn’t a massive fan until I saw my first Flyers game and watched the Legion absolutely smash everything in sight.

    I followed that cup run with passion, and even though we were swept by the Red Wings in the finals, I have been hooked ever since.

  20. IanDre127

    Iowa, since 2000 (8th grade) play off run. I had never paid much attention prior to that, maybe a glow puck game on ABC broadcast. But watched a full game for the first time during those playoffs and was hooked. Had a couple of friends that also followed. But for a long time they were the reliable sports team I chose to follow from a state with no pro teams. The NY Jets have prepared me for shitty seasons but it’s rough when they both suck. When either one of them finally win It all I’m not going to know what do do

  21. madquacker

    From Helsinki, Finland. Was absolutely enamored with the playstyle of Ville Leino in the 2010 playoffs. Quickly became a big fan of the Hartnell-Briere-Leino line and the whole Flyers team. I was absolutely heartbroken by the infamous game7 of that very run. But in the same twist, I became a big rooter of the Flyers and Philly sports in general and am still on the same path since then.

  22. jumbolump73

    Born in Elkins Park PA. Lived in Olney as a child. Now live in chester County.
    Fan from birth, I was 1 year and 12 days old when they beat Boston for their first cup

  23. Perfect_Branch_4514

    From South Dakota, grew up a North Stars fan. In ’93 had to shop for a new team because I wasn’t going to cheer for a hockey team in Texas. Been a Flyers fan since.

  24. WelshRareDit

    Back in 2020 I’d been following ice hockey for about a year in the UK with the Cardiff Devils. As lockdowns came in I was put on furlough and the UK hockey league came to a stop.

    Then the delayed NHL playoffs came about, and I decided as I didn’t need to go in to work early I could stay up and watch the midnight-3am east coast games and had to pick a team to follow.

    As it happens, I live in North Wales near Bala, which isn’t far from a small village called Cynwyd, which as you can guess were where a lot of the original Quakers who helped found Philly and Pennsylvania came from, so it made roundabout sense for me to support the Flyers. Add in the great history of the team (first expansion team to win the Cup) and it felt right to stick around!

    The fact the team has gone downhill since I started supporting them is of course entirely co-incidental….

  25. SteelyDan4Prez

    Born in 98 in Delco (Upper Darby). Parents are Philadelphia lifers so I was born into this and the other fandoms. Wouldn’t have it any other way

  26. papaieleele

    Washington DC. I was born in Philly but moved to Japan at age 2 and lived there until 1980 when I came back to the US for first grade. My grandparents in Delco bought me a flyers shirt, a Mylec stick and orange plastic puck and I was hooked. Back then, I could only watch a few Flyers games on TV a year when Caps played away at the Flyers or when I was visiting my grandparents. But then ESPN came along in time for the ’87 cup run.

  27. cheeseyboy44

    Ottawa, Canada. Dad took me to a sens flyers game. My first NHL game !!! Lindros dominated for 60 minutes. The rest is history, sorry dad I like the orange team.

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