@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Les GAGNANTS et PERDANTS de l’agence libre de la LNH… jusqu’à présent !

Quelle équipe va sortir de l’intersaison prête à faire une course de coupe stellaire ? ! Voici les GAGNANTS et les PERDANTS de NHL Free Agency jusqu’à présent ! Abonnez-vous pour plus de vidéos Top 6 Hockey : https://www.youtube.com/@top6hockey/?sub_confirmation=1


  1. I'd argue the Predators are losers so far this offseason. The moves they have made won't be enough because they still have a weak centre depth, which is a no go in a competitive Central Division that is going to be even more so now that Chicago has Bedard. Sure they have a great goaltender and have always been solid defensively, but this team's ceiling is a first round exit and that's not good enough

  2. You can't give a L to a team for grabbing the best available in the market when the market sucks for those positions

  3. Considering that the Preds have been average at best. At this point the Preds should get younger. Also i would say that the Islanders didn't really do anything to make themselves any better. They got lucky getting just to make the playoffs because of goaltending.

  4. Ryan Reaves is a terrible human being and an even worse hockey player. Why teams keep signing him and rewarding this POS is beyond me

  5. Isles are not a winner. Re-signing isles most important player sorokin-even tho term will age badly-was a no brainer. Re-signing a 36 year old back-up goalie for three more years and a ridiculous 7 year deal to useless pierre engvall who doesn't move the needle one bit proves lou is senile. The isles re not a better team thanks to re-signing their four guys into the little wiggle room lou created on their cap. This team is still old, slow, and lacks skill/punch up front and will get passed over in the east by up and coming teams like wings. BIG F.

  6. Saros is too good to let the Preds rebuild, even if they trade everyone away he still wins too much to get them into the draft lottery 😂

  7. Absolute bonehead call to give a W to NYI 🤦‍♂. Engvall's deal will age poorly as early as 3 years from now (reeks of buyout). Also pushing their luck with Varlamov. Lastly should be an automatic L for not signing any UFAs (so far). I don't recognize J. Gauthier as a real signing (yeah, I did my homework unlike you)
    News to me Nashville's a "rebuild" team. More like retool

  8. Biggest losers don't even know they are the biggest losers yet, so funny. Let's let most of our soft defence walk and get even weaker and softer then last year on defence, then we add wannabe goons who will only add 700 pim's to an already really weak and soft pk, how does that sound like winning to anyone?

  9. That thumbnail with Orlov wearing the Caps jersey with the Canes logo on it was a giant kind fuck 😂

  10. So Pens are loosers because they got longer term on contracts that wont matter in 2-3 years?

  11. They resigned jarry, signed Graves and got eller and accari….i like these moves more then NSH…. they just traded or boughtout their top players the players the aquire do not fill that hole and i dont like trotz retool strategy…Graves is the ultimate sign here and just what the devils needs….nyquist and o Reilly shouldnot be 1st line players. Luke schenn should be on your bottom pair not eveb top 4

  12. Completely disagree. Nashville, did not get that much better in a STACKed Central division. Their prospect pool isnt even top 3 in the Division let alone the league. Trotz has taken a golden opportunity to truly set up Nashville for the coming decade with picks the team had accumulated. He is already screwing this up too.

    Not sure I would call Pittsburgh a winner either. Overpaying for Jarry and Graves then calling them significant upgrades is a bit of reach. Jarry is a decent NHL starter who has injury problems and then their is the playoffs. Graves has bounced around and Marino was the reason he was playing well. Edmonton is still kicking themselves for trading him away so early, Pittsburgh would gladly take him now, they wanted him to be more offensive instead of the defense first defensemen which Pittsburgh needed and now got with Graves.

    Carolina has made some great signings and they DO have a loaded prospect pool that could facilitate a trade or two still if they need to shore up the scoring depth which has plagued them in the playoffs. Too me they are on of the biggest winners resigning the goalies to cheaper deals now giving them a 3 headed monster in net. Added to their D-Core and a few Forwards that should help with that depth scoring they have been lacking.

    The Islanders are another team that has done little except to keep a couple of their own UFA's, which were important. But they barely squeked into the playoffs because Pittsburgh seemingly didnt want to go. Lou Lamarello is another old timer that gets way too much slack for his non moves or the moves he does make.

  13. will have to say I disagree with your Islanders take. I think the Sorokin signing was amazing because he is a top 3 guy in the league. However, I do no think they really solved any of the issues that plagued that team, and they signed some hefty contracts that I am not sure will age nicely.

  14. TBH nashville just needs to blow it the fuck up and offload josi, forsberg, saros and whoever else for top value now to get younger. Josi is getting old for his skillset…cash out ASAP, if everyone is calling up grier for an EK trade then everyone should be all over the cheaper less injury prone player. The package they could have created with duchene/josi/forsberg/rojo/saros to avoid buyouts/retaining worthwhile salary could be pretty significant to kick start a rebuild. retain the right salary and make the right moves when teams start to get desperate and they could be in such a promising position, instead they are on the hook for 4mill of rojo and another 6 years of duchene…only to try and take a kick at the can again? they constantly ship out anyone who was promising and keep aging garbage that they have signed to albatross contracts…fiala, tolvanen, lets go for a ride back and remember who drafted scottie hartnell…its crazy the amount of talent they have had in nashville and cant even get close to sniffing the finals except for 2017. they have been graced with vezina caliber goaltending since fucking vokoun and some of the crazest d-cores you could think of… they will forever be haunted by the living ghost of patric hornqvist.

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