@Canucks de Vancouver

Capitaine des Canucks

JT Miller. Deuxième plus grand nombre de points par match de tous les temps sur les Canucks. Puissance en avant. 7e Canuck avec plus d’une saison de 80 points. Top 15 de la LNH pour les coups sûrs. Penalty killer. Spécialiste du jeu de puissance. Expert avec les médias et motivant la salle. Tête brûlante. Il y a un argument pour que Hughes soit le capitaine quand nous perdons, mais je ne peux pas penser à un meilleur capitaine pour les Canucks quand ils gagnent. Si JT mûrit cette saison sur la glace, je pense qu’il mérite le C.



  1. phantomgiratina

    Disagree, we need a captain who will be here for a long time, not a captain who will be in trade rumours when he starts to regress in a few years and will want to dump his contract

  2. JerbearCuddles

    Give it to Hughes. If your captain is bad when you’re struggling, he’s not a good captain. Hughes is reliable in every circumstance, is great with the media, and is young enough to be captain for years. I could see Miller being stripped of it in 4ish years, like Dustin Brown in LA. I’d rather not go down that road. When we can just save everyone time and give it to Hughes now.

  3. bikernaut

    It’s a real tough one. I think he’s the best choice we have but remember us fans don’t have all the information. I think it’s more important to consider whether EP or QH want the job and would they be upset not to get it. Whatever decision the team makes with all the information will be good enough for me.

    That said, if QH and EP support the decision, I think JT is the best choice simply because I want a captain who’s game is based in being physical.

  4. Chipmunk-Adventurous

    Let JT have the A. I’d rather a calm leader than a hot head who may divide the room.

  5. jsseven777

    Not sold on him yet. Smashing sticks and yelling orders at teammates isn’t leadership. I do love the idea of this year being a 3-way leadership contest between Hughes, Petersson, and Miller with somebody announced by the trade deadline.

    But Miller to me has the biggest uphill climb of the three and has to lead by example on the ice by consistently playing a 200 foot game, and keeping both his temper in check and helping those around him stay positive in stressful situations.

  6. Nazy19

    Can we just make playoffs first before discussing who should be captain?

  7. DrexlSpivey420

    Thin blue captain 🥾 👅

  8. coltonjeffs

    I kind of feel like it has already been decided that it will be Hughes. I think it is only a matter of time. Would be shocked if it was anyone else.

  9. cowfromjurassicpark

    It’s Hughes and it’s not even close

  10. SkidmarkDave

    The C has to go to someone the players feel comfortable speaking for them on their behalf. Miller is a bit emotional, but well spoken, I agree he would be a decent captain. In no way shape or form would Petey be that guy.

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