@Sharks de San José

Montréal a-t-elle remporté la transaction Erik Karlsson?

#lnh #hockey #montrealcanadiens #pittsburghpenguins #sanjosesharks Nouvelles commerciales de la LNH erik karlsson échange avec les pingouins de pittsburgh les requins de san jose accord d’équipe 3 des canadiens de montréal qui est MASSIVE. La LNH échange Kent Hughes interview Kyle Dubas Erik Karlsson Faits saillants Nouvelles du hockey aujourd’hui Jeff Petry Les Canadiens de Montréal échangent Rem Pitlick Mike Hoffman NHL Trade Rumeurs Nouvelles du Hab échange erik karlsson à pittsburgh


  1. Caillou is a magician ~ illusionist! Insane… wow, don’t want Petry playing for the Habs and can’t wait to see the return. Not even talked about dumping Hoffman and Pitlick for free and opening 2 roster spots for the ready youth. It’s a tour de force

  2. Is it bad I was kinda hoping Hoffman and Karlsson got onto the same team? I just wanted to see the drama

  3. Habs,pens win. Sharks lose. Late first for a Norris dman.

  4. great trade for habs and you make a solid point about the method the habs are building. taking players like petry who have potential of being flipped at trade deadline but in the mean time teaching the young d-corp as well as a nice high pick to go along with him. by 2025 pens should be bottom 10 in league which translates to a nice 2nd rounder in 2025

  5. Montreal basically got a draft pick. That’s it. Petry is done. DeSmith is an average goalie on his BEST day. And Legare is a nothing prospect.

  6. The genius of Kent Hughes again.. Hoffman for a 2nd round pick!! great! Let say Pitlick for the Goalie deSmith (31)who can be good with Montembault … we can trade Allen for a good value while he is still good, and Légaré is a good player.. and we have Petry at $2.34M to trade for something like a 3rd round? I love it.

  7. I had this dude telling me Pittsburgh was winning the trade

    when I told him that they traded a first round pick basically for Karlsson alone, he was like « what first pick ? »

    then he double checked the trade sheet and was mad af lmao

  8. Pens are the clear losers here, you make trades and acquisitions for the sake of making your team better now and for the future, there is no guarantee that the Pens will be remotely good given the aging roster in a division clearly younger , faster , & more talented than the Pens , history already proves it that giving up the future for a 1 shot deal never works.

  9. Montreal wins best strip clubs and food scene, as far as a hockey team, those years have come and gone, only thing that remains is the arrogance and cockiness of the fanbase for absolutely nothing other than a finals appearance due to a world phenomenon that never would of happened otherwise in the past 30 years they haven’t won anything either. The chirping about the leafs is a joke when Canada as a whole have nothing to be proud of. At least I can admit it

  10. Funny I wonder if is happen often than same team do multiple 3-way trade in the same year (ɓonino too)

  11. Best part about this, and the cherry on top. Habs have 2 Firsts and 2 Second round picks in 2025….so far.

  12. I won't argue that all 3 teams came out at least ok on the trade. Having said that, I dont see Karlsson making Pittsburg a serious cup contender, but he may get them back in the playoffs. I would give Pittsburg a 2 year window before their core 3 starts fizzling out. Also, I don't see either San Jose or Montreal being a playoff team anytime soon.

  13. Montreal did fine. They got a second round pick a bad AHL prospect, added a competent back up goalie and defenseman while shedding two of their extra forwards.

    None of this is a coup but the redistribution of their cap is useful. They still need to shed as much of the extra 20 million they have in wingers as they can. They are 4.5 million over the cap but of course carey price gives them an extra $6 million to work with. I'll be happier when the team has $26 million in extra cap space.

    San jose retained 1.5 for Karlson and pittsburgh retained 1.5 odd million on Petry.

  14. Mike Hoffman isn't the one you want to mentor the young players on your team. He's the one you endure on the team cause he's good at scoring goals and if he's not scoring goals…

  15. Unless Pit wins the cup this coming season,the winners are the Habs and then San Jose.EK is a defensive liability who has had one good season in the last several years.Big gamble by Dubas based on very little evidence.He had better hope Jarry can stay healthy and stand on his head.

  16. I think it was a reality check for fans. Karlsson was worth much more, but other factors in the salary cap era greatly reduce a players trade value. 1. NTC's or NMC's limit where you can trade a player and typically Players and Agents use this to prevent a Player going to a team that is not contending. 2. Every team that is contending has salary cap management challenges and cannot take on a big contract without the trade partner, or a 3rd party taking on their cap issues.
    Bottom line, sheer genius by Hughes move an untradeable Player without retaining salary and getting tangible assets in return…and he's not done yet!

  17. As a Habs fan, im liking the style of Kent Hughes more and more I see the way he works. Well done.

  18. I understand the excitement of Canadian fans over the trade, but it may be exaggerated. I think getting rid of Hoffman was a good move. Also, getting Petrie back beefs up the defense, and all the early picks should help down the road. Montreal definitely is on an upswing but am predicting they won't make the playoffs this coming season.

  19. to me jeff petry means that the habs now have a shot at the playoffs

  20. I'm sure that san jose thought they were winning when they got rid of kip and hill

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