@Ligue nationale de hockey

Qui gagnerait une finale de la Caroline à Edmonton?

Qui gagnerait une finale de la Caroline à Edmonton?



  1. Vault204

    I gotta go with the Canes, more all around depth.

  2. Senior-Swimming7949

    I want to believe this time will be different.

  3. Yung_Corneliois

    I know it’s just odds but crazy neither Cup contender last year is in the top 5. Less crazy for Florida but crazy for Vegas.

    Also I am both ecstatic and scared for our hype.

  4. retiredfireman

    What was Bostons odds last year?

  5. Spirits_1031

    Edmonton sucks, please stop making these threads. They aren’t even a true contender until they get a defense and a goalie. And depth.

  6. chiefexpo


    How the fuck are leafs #2??

  7. GroundbreakingSail49

    Dallas at +1400 is good value

    I like their offseason moves.

  8. imaybeacatIRl

    Probably Carolina.

    I’d actually be pulling for the Oilers there. Too many Oiler friends.

  9. pretzelogically

    Why New Jersey of course!

  10. TheLoveYouLongTimes

    With Carolina’s special teams I see them struggling to keep Oilers below 4 goals a game.

  11. AlwaysLurkNeverPost

    I’d love to see the line on lightning, unless I’m missing something and they got significantly worse?

  12. Like17Badgers

    Canes are REALLY good at shutting down star players so I think the Oilers might be the worst team to throw at them

  13. lebangazNmash

    Depends how many powerplays edm gets 😄

  14. ShockApprehensive392

    I just hope to god that NJ makes the damn ECF….

  15. sizzlinskillet

    Bruins line up is weak this year and the league still fears them. Lol

  16. Pure_Moose

    Canes but only after our best goaltender gets hurt.

  17. qwert5678899

    Didnt carolina win in 06. Probably them again, as edm is on a streak losing to eventual sc champs.

    I think the bills 4 lost consecutive superbowls is still a record edm could chase.

  18. BubbaSpanks

    Devils —-stars …devils in 6

  19. mothereffinb

    Carolina in 7 would be a dagger

  20. chowmushi

    I do t really understand how they come up with these odds. So are the leafs in at number 2 because someone thinks they have the second highest odds of winning the cup? OR, is it because they have the biggest fan base and there are a high number of bets on them already pushing their odds down?

  21. AbundantHypocrisy

    With Svech scoring a hat trick every game it would be a pretty easy series tbh

  22. _6siXty6_

    Hope so, cause I’m a Canes fan.

  23. Acceptable-Fold-3192

    Carolina. McDavid and Dreisaitl WILL NOT win one in Edmonton.

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