@Predators de Nashville

Sissons propulse les Preds vers la première finale de la Coupe dans une victoire 6-3

Colton Sissons a réussi un tour du chapeau pour aider les Predators à dominer les Ducks dans le match 6, 6-3, pour décrocher la première place de Nashville à la finale de la Coupe Stanley


  1. I really hope that the Stanley Cup Final is Nashville and Ottawa. It would be great if a team who hasn't won the cup EVER before won this year , and that would be a guarantee😃. Also it would be cool if Ottawa brought home the Cup for Canada's 150th Birthday.

  2. As a lightning fan I have been cheering for u preds after sweeping the hawks I hope y'all win it all

  3. that game was so Messed up and unfair It was so stupid when the predators scored 2 times when the goly wasent there

  4. From a Pens fan. Cannot wait to watch this series to come. Best of luck to both teams!

  5. Holy.. that game I thought Nashville was gonna get swept by Chicago but holy sh#% They swept them
    This is karma

    Thanks Oilers fans


    But Im a Red wings fan


    NASH 🐯 PENS 🐧🏒⛸

  6. Man it's crazy because half the people down here in Nashville didn't expect us to make it this far. I'm glad they proved us wrong

  7. I heard a nutsy sports reporter on Fox Sports make comment that the Predators' SIX scores were all lucky shots, and that the Ducks out shot and out played them. WHAT A CROCK!

    Sissons' shot over the Duck's goalie's shoulder wasn't luck. And there was no Predator player interfering against the goalie like the Duck's had been doing. Maybe Watson's score on an empty Duck's net was LUCK!

    It's clear the northern hockey clubs just don't like the idea of a hockey team in the South like the Nashville Predators beatin' up on their clubs and eliminating them from a shot at the Stanley Cup!

  8. Preds can beat every team except my Leafs who handedly detroyed them 2 times this season. Lavalot, or however you spell his name, aint that good. Last team he won the cup was years ago and last time he went to the cup he got owned. Pens in 6.

  9. Out shoot them over 2-1, win almost twice as many face off, but our back up goalie plays his worst game of the season… So glad the preds are gunna lose to the pens and all their inbred hick fans will destroy trashville.

  10. Predators have a good run maybe next year we will strike back against the penguins this coming season

  11. "The hattrick happened minutes ago, but the fans just finally realized it."

    What they don't tell you is that there was an unannounced scoring change on one of Sissons' goals. They only announced the scoring change after he scored his third goal. That's why there was a delayed reaction. Pontus Aberg was originally given credit for Sissons' second goal.

  12. Sucks for the Ducks that Gibson was injured and they had to start Bernier. 4 goals allowed on 16 shots in unacceptable in a playoff game

  13. Really thought Sissons and Fiala were the future of the Preds after this season. But then big contracts signed and they all lost their drive. Not playing as hungry now. Long term contracs good for players bad for team.

  14. Even here we see the anti Preds bias from the refs. How the hell did Fowler's goal count?? That was clearly interference by Perry. Well at least the Preds won in the end. Justice was served.

  15. This was the close of the Ducks Cup window. Now on full rebuild mode. When will they get to this level?

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