@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Nick Robertson des Leafs en bonne santé et motivé avant une saison « très importante »

Nick Robertson est prêt à tourner la page d’un début de carrière marqué par les blessures. « Le spectacle continue », a déclaré l’ailier des Leafs à TSN. « Le secret du succès pour moi est simplement d’être en bonne santé. » Robertson a subi une blessure à l’épaule en décembre, qui a nécessité une intervention chirurgicale. « Depuis que la saison est terminée, je me suis dit: » Ok, c’est un nouveau départ « et je suis juste excité et prêt à partir. »


  1. Leafs dont like him. Never have. They ignored him while guys like Joe Thornton and Jason Spezza got ice time. They dont know how to develop players

  2. This is his last chance. Honestly watching that hit again if that made him have surgery he has a problem. There is 0 chance they can give him a roster spot , all you can do is wait till there is an injury and try him out as a call up. There is no point in trading because there is no value , I doubt you could even acquire a 5th for him at this point.

  3. Masters needs practice in reporting. Nicks going to do fine in the NHL. Just needs to be healthy and time to develop. Just like Masters needs Practice

  4. Robertson will never out muscle larger NHL players. His gritty style is admirable, but may also shorten his career.

  5. He has skill but honestly that hit he gets injured on, he initiated contact and got thrown into the wall. Not very encouraging in my mind if he cant stand his ground physically. I would compare him in size and stature to Marner. So its not impossible but even Marner at his age wasnt getting thrown around. Hope he can get bigger and stronger.

  6. Guy should have been coached a little different, and how he should play. In this rate he's going to retire very soon.

  7. Harsh comments. He needs some pointers on avoiding hits and how to throw hits. Marner should be the best person to show him how…just sayin

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