@Canucks de Vancouver

Squire Barnes sur si les Canucks participeront aux séries éliminatoires la saison prochaine, couvrant l’équipe pendant plus de trois décennies

Squire Barnes nous explique pourquoi se raser la moustache et passer des spécifications aux contacts a aidé à lancer sa carrière à la télévision. Il apporte des nouvelles et des faits saillants sportifs aux Britanno-Colombiens depuis plus de 30 ans, alors il nous donne ses réflexions sur les Canucks ainsi que son amitié avec Michael J Fox et sa participation à l’émission Ellen. Présenté par @ApplewoodAutoGroup (https://lnk.to/SPApplewood) Écoutez et abonnez-vous au podcast : https://lnk.to/SP616 Envoyez-nous vos commentaires par SMS : 778-402-9680 🔗 : https://linktr.ee /SekeresAndPrice https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com https://www.gogoatsports.com/ #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #NHL #Hockey #Vancouver


  1. Ok, I can’t compare my experience growing up in Lower Mainland BC (and a year on Vancouver Island) with anyone else’s experience, but I want to list a few names: Jim Robson, Tom Larsheid, Jim Hughson, John Garrett, John Shorthouse, Jim Cox, Tony Parsons, Squire Barnes, Gregg Douglas, Paul Carson, Dave Randorf, Don Taylor, Rick Dhaliwal, Matt Sekeres, Blake Price. I could go on and on and on, and I apologize for anyone left off this list (as I type that, a dozen other names flood into my brain). If Vancouver has not been blessed with success and excellence in regard to their professional sports teams, I would compare the quality of the sports reporters that this market has been blessed with, over the years, with any market, anywhere in the world.

  2. That was fun, the sad part was when they talked about the people who lost their jobs. I played hockey with the BCTV tubes so I had met a few of them.

  3. 5 jobs, it's hilarious that Millenial's think they were the first to deal with the "gig" economy. Us Gen-Xers have been living it since we started working.

  4. Trevor Linden was correct the rebuild should of happened , he left because ownership and the upper hierarchy were all smoking crack. Fast forward to today. They all moved onto to fentanyl and the Canucks are next inline to what's happening in Winnipeg and Calgary . If I were Petterson I would look to get out of dodge and not sign long-term here .Very dark days ahead in Vancouver.

  5. remember squire from back in the BCTV days before every canuck game was on tv lol

  6. Love Squire but Global is nothing but a MSM lying machine period they do nothing but push the globohomo agenda

  7. Squire's sense of humour was always fantastic. I idealized him as a kid on BCTV because he has a similar extroverted, witty personality, to myself.

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