@Ligue nationale de hockey

Ne discutez jamais de l’incident de l’équipe de Poutine en 2017…

Ne discutez jamais de l’incident de l’équipe de Poutine en 2017…



  1. Pabbam

    Russian players are in a tough spot. I think it isn’t always really up to them. Lot at stake.

    Also, fuck the caps for not letting flags in tho. They can smd

  2. BM19921992

    Nothin wrong with ovies position. You get fed lies in the western media. Of course you’ll go along with it.

  3. CadillacsandBourbon

    He didn’t get a choice on who to captain for, the government tells them who to support. That’s why allot of their « elections » only have one name on the ballot. Ovi is doing what is best for his family, I think we can all be OK with that and look the other way.

  4. Parkway-D

    Who gives a fuck? He can support whichever politician he wants, just like you can.

  5. Long_Nectarine1216

    Put a list of players that supported G.W. Bush before he started the Iraq War. Now start a shit storm. Or are all Americans protected because you still think it’s the greatest country and it does everything right…

  6. BillMcCrearysStache

    Ovi good at hockey so I enjoy watching him, leave politics out of sports

  7. RoRtornado

    Most people don’t know anything about russia. Most clubs out here are owned whether by biggest oil businessmen or some huge plants owners, or monopolists (for example HC Lokomotiv owned by russian railways). And most of all of these people are connected with the government. Otherwise they wouldn’t have such money. And all top russian players, ESPECIALLY those who successful overseas, have deep connections with these clubs owners. And that’s why they have a safe platform to come back and play the rest of their careers here. It just so happened that ovechkin gets most of the blame, since he’s the biggest face of Russian hockey.

  8. OzzieNewYork

    When you have the The forehead and jaw line of a cro magnen and went to the same academy as the athletes who were busted for juicing….. you have big pharma bills to pay back.

  9. ehdhdhdk

    Has anyone watched how Navalny has been treated? It will take a brave person to campaign for the opposition. Also, I highly doubt opposition votes get counted anyway.

  10. No_Mongoose_1456

    As a Russian, he can’t just say ‘fuck you’ to Putin. He is almost forced to say that he supports him, if he didn’t, bad things could happen to either him or his family. Besides, we should want to watch these guys play hockey, not judge and shame them for their political opinions (which have nothing to do with hockey)

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