@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks signent Pius Suter – UN BON CENTRE DE TROISIÈME LIGNE!

Les Canucks de Vancouver ont signé un solide centre de troisième ligne – Pius Suter – pour un contrat total de 3,2 millions de dollars sur 2 ans. ▶ Twitter : https://twitter.com/parkerspucks ▶ Discord : https://discord.gg/UTXVr3QScz ▶ Canucks After Dark : https://linktr.ee/CanucksAfterDark Bienvenue sur ParkersPucks ! Je couvre les Canucks de Vancouver avec des vidéos qui couvrent les dernières nouvelles autour de l’équipe, ainsi qu’une émission d’après-match en direct après chaque match des Canucks. Abonnez-vous et envisagez de vous inscrire en tant que membre de la chaîne avec le bouton REJOINDRE ci-dessus !


  1. I really wanna know how they will fix the cap space and I hope this doesn't mean that Mikheyev got a setback and will be put back on ltir or something.

  2. People need to stop worrying about the cap. The canucks clearly want value for Boeser. If they retain salary and/or add a 2nd or 3rd pick, he's gone, they save money. They just don't want to do that, but if they must they will. They're waiting for l.t.i.r. and/or waiting to see if anyone will actually give something for him.

    Same can probably be said for garland and bouvellier. They could move them, they just don't want to retain/give up picks….yet. lol.

  3. i'm a bit nervous with all the new acquirement's we've had many additions to the team, especially on the 3rd/4th line center. they're good picks and suddenly on the team they're no where near what we've expected. Curtis lazar being a main point.

  4. Love the signing but I feel they wouldn’t have done it without something in place to clear cap.

    I wonder about a beavillier trade. I believe he would be the easiest to move and if they brought in a RHD currently without a roster spot that would be ideal.

    Beauvillier for Fabro? Nashville has 4 nhl calibre RHD

    Maybe Jokiharju on Buffalo, they have 9 nhl calibre defenders.

    Both make 2.5 mil and it would be enough to bring the Canucks under the cap. They both play a similar style to Bear who meshed well with Hughes at the end of the year. That pair had great analytics.

    Maybe add a few late round picks on either side or throw in someone like Rathbone. Hard to say where the value lies.

  5. The Red Wings should have resigned him. It's not like they had anything better for that role. As a Wings fan, I saw every game last year. He's better than his numbers would indicate. This is a good signing for the Canucks. You'll be happy with him.

  6. Myers has to be dealt come Sept. – that has to be the management's plan, to make room under the CAP. Look like no one will take Boeser off Vancouver's hands (can't blame them), so, it has to be Myers. Buy one of the remaining FA D at under 2 Mill, and a backup G (Jones!!!! … who they just let get away to Toronto… What now? A 5th pick for Jake Allen from Montreal? GAH!).

  7. Everyone agrees on this one, great pick up! Remember, third liners don't get a ton of ice time. Decent numbers for a third liner.

  8. Looks good on paper but you never know. Jason Dickinson looked good as a 3C addition and didn't work out at all.

  9. A guy with 24 points is a "good" 3rd line centre? Only in Canucks land my friend.

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