@Maple Leafs de Toronto


#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs #highlights Nhl toronto maple leafs nouvelles et rumeurs aujourd’hui – faits saillants du hockey john tavares auston matthews mitch marner william nylander nhl news maple leafs rumeurs – BTW, NHL 24 révèle la bande-annonce la semaine prochaine, alors préparez-vous à une couverture à ce sujet. Réaction aux rumeurs commerciales de la LNH


  1. It is a terrible contract. Stutzle is 8 million 39 goals and 90 points. 21 years of age… It's not hard to figure out what contract is better.

  2. How about doing a bit of research before you misinform. Tavares has a NMC that's buyout-proof. Good luck trading him

  3. I just remind myself he's Mr. Consistent ..We just need to stop this shitting on JT. Ill be the first to insist John's contract is not ideal. But he's here to stay. He's not even close to as bad as people make it out to be. He's good, gotten better and currently improving his game. I like him, he shows up when we need him quite often. He's also been wonderful for the depth guys. He a fantastic leader. I'd totally blow him (no homo)

  4. JT is great on the Leafs. While I'd like to see the C on someone else, dude loves this team and gives his all and then some every game

  5. 11milj. A year should give you 50 goals or 100 plus points. Or atleast dynamic game changer player. So its bad contract🤔🤔

  6. He's been awesome ! He is good at his job and he's smart about how he performs ! I don't see any thing wrong here ! Thumbs-up JT your not the problem ! The media blows everything out of proportion and give only a narrative !

  7. I both agree & disagree with this video

    The Tavares contract is one of the worst in the league but he also is still a capable 2C.

    The issue is Tavares makes 11M & that type of money is way too much for a 2C.

    Tavares is a useful productive member of the Leafs sure, but he’s one of the most overpaid players in the league

    The Leafs need to Retool in my eyes & the core 4 have proven again & again this core can’t win together

  8. he's a bit expensive for sure, But he's for sure a second line C on any team. He's also definitely not " untradable " there are plenty of teams that would find cap for him. Just out of the core 4, he's probably the least solid one right now imo

  9. The worst part is it feels like they tried to rush a young team (that already had Kadri) into winning by signing Tavares when they could have built for a sustainable future. But I guess Leaf’s brass thinks never having LW’s in your top 6 or any depth and losing players like Nylander in their prime is cool. Sucks for Leafs fans because it’s not like they would have done much worse if they were patient and never got JT.

  10. He's still a 1st line C on a lot of teams he's putting up those points on the 2nd line too

  11. Tavares is not my problem with this team. He's a PPG player, wins draws, and plays both sides of the puck. Honestly he reminds me of Mats Sundin, really good player but can't seem to get the team over the hump/curse/etc… to help them win it all.

    My bigger issue has been with Matthews. He makes more than Tavares, is supposed to be a generational player, and other than one 60 goal season, has he been exceptional? He is very good don't get me wrong, 40 goals a season is nothing to sneeze at. He's had a few decent playoff series, but where is a domination type playoff run? Where he's just clearly the best player on either team. He wants to be one of the highest paid in the game, but I'd argue that during the Tampa series, Kucherov, Marner, and even Reilly were better. He was still productive but he certainly didn't dominate.

    You can look back and think of Crosby, Kane, MacKinnon, Quick, Kucherov, Vasilevski…. guys who were simply the best during a playoff run. The Leafs haven't had a guy like that since Gilmour, not even Sundin was that guy.

  12. I would take him. I only speak for myself as a Rangers fan but there it is. I would take him. Especially at this contract.

  13. so Tavares isnt to blame for this… DUbas is. He wanted to make a splash and put his own mark on the team and he certainly did. however having an 11 million contract on the second line has been the downfall cap wise of this team. year after year the conversation has been they dont hve enough depth. They dont have wnough depth on the forwards. not enough depth on the blueline…. well thats why… if you were to split thAT 11m up in to two or three players. you could have one heck of a 2nd line centre and two really good third line players for the 11M. the knights won the cup because of depth. in the playoffs you need that. its not JTs fault they constructed the team wrong from the beggining. Hes doing his part yes. it justcomes at the expense of other lines.

  14. It is the contract that prevents this team to be successfull. He’s not a bad player however he’s overpaid by a lot.

  15. JT brings a depth and experience unlike most, he is completely dedicated not only to his teammates but also to the fan base. Sure he might be a tad slower than his mates, but he knows exactly where to be in position…this is key key key, this is why he has a C on his jersey. I would be more concerned with coaching the rest of his mates then JT. GLG

  16. The poeple saying hes washed clearly dont know shit about hockey. Hes done better with the Leafs than in NY. JT worth no doubt.

  17. I had seasons tickets for the Oshawa generals when John was there, his skating was sub par but he absolutely dominated every game at home , remember he was in that league at 15 and back than 07 mid 2000s skating wasn't scrutinized as it is today so of course he looks slow compared to today's players

  18. Tavares is an anchor of a contract its not him making the line good its his wingers he is overpaid by about 5 million

  19. I think JT is doing all he can especially in a hockey market like Toronto. All eyes are on Toronto with their big 4 and there lack of success post season. By no means am I a leafs fan but I think if they play their cards right, the leafs should make it at least to the conference finals. The boys should come back hungrier than ever with that round 1 playoff win

  20. Take mariner off J.T's line J.T won't break 25 goals. I disagree with things being overblown he did nothing for NYI a captain leads by example he's not a winner nor does he stick up for his teammates. His skating was and has been a problem his whole career he is in the bracket of McDavid, Matthew's and McKinnon money wise get serious. No question he is a good player he makes David. Pastrnak money l 😆 😂 🤣 people complain about nylander getting paid J.T rained the team by signing for such a high price. Morgan Riley should be the captain

  21. The problem isn't Tavares the player. In a vacuum his contract is decent. He's a top tier C in the league making $11M AAV (which is top tier money). He's also basically a point per game playing, so it's not like they are paying him top tier money and he is only giving you 50 points a year. The Leafs issue is they have too many "top tier" players (in terms of AAV). You typically get 1, maybe 2 people making over $10M AAV. The Leafs have 3 (and have had 3 for several years now) and with Nylander asking for $10M+, that would make 4. The construction of the team with so many expensive players means there isn't enough money to fill out the roster with all the support players. That is the Leafs issue and why they shouldn't have got Tavares when they did. One of challenges in the league is top quality young players always got their ELC for 3 years, then did a decent bridge deal, then hit the jackpot with their big money deal when they established they were worth it. That doesn't really happen as much now. Top young players want their big money deals after their ELC is done. The bridge deals are essentially gone, and that makes constructing a team in a cap environment extremely difficult. The cap needs to go, or if you want to keep it, make it a luxury tax. If you spend over the max cap, the team pays a 100% tax and use that to distribute to the bottom teams. But honestly, the cap shouldn't exist. It prevents teams for keeping the high quality players that make franchises and possibly short lived dynasties.

  22. Name another team that pays 23 million for their top two centers and has been successful. Not one team has gone far in the playoffs with two 11 million dollar centers. Kadri would have been cheaper for longer and been just as successful behind Matthews and Marner, this was just Dubas wanting the shiny toy and it cost him a lot of money. I'm not saying Johnny isn't value for the deal I'm saying he was redundant on this team for that much money.

  23. John Tavares plays his ass off ever since he became a leaf. Remember other teams offered him 13 million a year and he took less because he was a leaf fan growing up as a child. You can bet your last dollar that he wants to hoist that Stanley Cup in a leaf jersey more than anyone else in the whole league and you know what I beleaf that he will

  24. I think you are excluding so much important information. His signing set certain things into motion the leafs are having a hard time recovering from. The worst part of the signing for Toronto was it set an internal salary benchmark for their young talent. They obviously are going to sign AM34 and Marner to their fat contracts. After Nylander took what could be considered a team discount, how do you tell him now that he isnt worth 10M when JT is gettin 11M and isnt nearly as good. You can say "but this player is gettin this" or "this player is gettin that" how do you defend that stance when a player in your own stable getting "PAID" for the same numbers (last 4 years). You are excluding that he was signed to 11M almost 6 years ago making him the second highest paid player in the league next to McD… yet never in his career had McD type of numbers. Then he led people to believe he was on a hometown discount. B Marchand was on a hometown discount @ 6.1M over 8 years. In what universe does becoming the 2nd highest paid player in the league is considered a hometown discount??? especially when his stats had averaged to 35g and 70ish points per season up to the signing. JT scored a career high 47 goals when he was placed with Marner… then garnered 36, 27 @ full seasons. Even the shortened seasons he was subpar scoring 19(28) and 26(34) goals (over 82 games). No one notices your flaws when you are obviously the best on the team. On a horrible Islander team… he was the best. On the Leaf team… it is painfully obvious his skating is horrible compared to the slick skating for Marner AM34 and Nylander. What I am saying… He is being paid like a franchise player, his skating will never take him to the next level as a superstar but is he still has skills that will keep him a star. Crosby, Ovi, Malkin, Kucherov, Makar, McKinnon all elevated their game and carried their team on the back… until their team followed. Tavares does not have that in him.

  25. John tavares is not the problem. Goaltending and defense are there issues, but with the defense im wondering if its a systems issue.

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