@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Sous-pile de Danny Shirey

Danny Shirey a annoncé ce matin qu’il faisait une sous-stack Pens



  1. kcamnodb

    >Despite being told — both internally and externally — that the work I did throughout the season and into the offseason was exceptional, DKPS offered me a demotion last month. Essentially, they wanted me to continue doing the exact same job I was hired to do without the benefit of being a salaried, full-time employee


  2. Campman92

    Read the bio for Danny. I feel bad for him. He and his girlfriend sold their house to move to Pittsburgh to cover the Pens. They told him he did an exceptional job and offered him a demotion.

    Another thing I noticed is Danny has a Pens podcast with another (former?) DK staffer Eddie Provident. Eddie I think was the multi media guy last year for DK and did some of the Ramon Foster shows when DK couldn’t.

  3. chicago859

    He can absolutely have my cancelled athletic subscription from last year if he’s doing 3 real articles each week instead of copy pasting the same dogshit one over and over like Yohe/Rossi did for 6 months

  4. VietBongArmy

    If you’re lurking here…Fuck you Dejan Kovacevic

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