@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Centennial Authority et Hurricanes signent une prolongation de bail de 20 ans – PNC Arena subira d’importants travaux de rénovation et de développement

Centennial Authority et Hurricanes signent une prolongation de bail de 20 ans – PNC Arena subira d’importants travaux de rénovation et de développement



  1. mcmlifestyle

    Definitely a move in the right direction, I’m pumped. I’m sure some people will complain about parking (even though they have to replace any parking they build over), but this seems like a solid compromise to gain a lot and still have areas for tailgating. I think it will improve the game day experience even more (see Atlanta – The Battery).

  2. Minute-Struggle6052

    3000-5000 seat music venue on site is interesting. DPAC is only 2700 seats. Sounds like the plan is to fold in mid-level music and arts.

    Add a few good restaurants and I could see it being a year-round venue.

  3. THards23

    In the words of the great Jordan Belfort, “I’M NOT FUCKIN’ LEAVIN’! THE SHOW GOES ON!”

  4. oooriole09

    I know some folks will say “ehh” to this, but coming off of the dark years this is an incredible thing to see.

    Hurricanes fans have sold the Raleigh market to Dundon and the NHL.

  5. grasshopper7167

    Hopefully this is also a bargaining chip for the RBA renewal.

  6. bk00pi

    Having journeyed to other arenas I can say this is most definitely needed.

  7. Nas160

    Hell yeah. Blues fan and I love y’all, every great thing that’s happened to the canes the last few years makes me smile. You better rock that place for another two decades 👏

  8. noreast2011

    The fact most of it is privately funded is HUGE. Only 300 mill from the city and county? Hell yeah. Gonna make things a bit messy around there as construction starts, but it’s going to inject a ton of money back into the local economy

  9. ShittyFrogMeme

    I feel like the parking solution in the proposal is reasonable. Half of the displaced parking will be replaced with surface lots so there should still be plenty of room for tailgating. At the minimum, if the article I read is right and there are 8,000 parking spots now, 6,000 of those will still be tailgateable (4,000 CF lots are untouched, then a max of half the rest of the lots would have to be surface). And realistically, a major reason tailgating is so big is because there is literally nothing else to do before games. Meanwhile this will benefit people coming to games far more than the apartments and indoor practice facility NC State let replace tons of parking spots already. This is severely needed especially if you have ever been to any other arena in the league.

  10. warped-wood

    >The Hurricanes will « use best efforts » to host the NHL All-Star Game within three years of the completed renovation and a NHL Stadium Series game within five years of the lease extension. The NHL has committed to these obligations, the Authority’s lease negotiator Dan Barrett said Tuesday.

    Ohhh I like this

  11. Fortune_Admirable

    No longer forced to hang with Rangers fans at shitty Backyard Bistro!

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