@Devils du New Jersey

Les prix du 11 mars chez MSG pas fous !

Je vais tous dans la fosse aux lions ! J’ai été agréablement surpris de constater que les prix n’étaient pas terribles pour nous au MSG par rapport au match du 18 novembre à The Rock, en particulier du côté de notre tournage à deux reprises. Allons-y avec les garçons rouges et noirs !!!!!!



  1. ScrewOff_

    please stay safe, MSG pumps the arena with copium

  2. weaver787

    And a week after the trade deadline. Wonder what almost-retired forward they’ll decide to drag into playoff push.

  3. babastart

    I’d rather take a ride to Philly for half the price and get a pregame cheesesteak and some Federal Donuts.

  4. I was thinking about going to a game there. Its actually cheaper than a Pru game vs them.

  5. luzer_kidd

    So last season was the most amount of games I ever went to in 1 season. I started with stubhub, then got into gametime.
    I went to 1 preseason game, 14 regular season games, and 1 playoff game. I learned there are certain games / days of the week you are better off waiting until the day of the game to buy, and there were other games buying early was the better option. Now as I’m writing this, I’m thinking this might change a lot this upcoming season after having an amazing year.

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