@Blues de Saint-Louis

Oh, les Bleus ont lancé les préventes…

Et ils semblent penser qu’ils méritent l’argent de la Coupe Stanley… Qu’est-ce qui se passe avec cette équipe ? Pourquoi les billets sont-ils si chers ?



  1. NeonJaguars

    120 for nosebleeds? What are they on, those go for $25 resale, I’ve never paid more than $35 for upper bowl seats on a weeknight, and $60 on a weekend

  2. Maduro25

    They are borrowing a page from the Cardinals. Betting even with a shit team, you’ll still buy tickets. Until you don’t, it don’t change.

  3. fopldr

    Because people from Chicago will come down, make a trip of it and easily pay those prices instead of what they will be paying in Chicago now that they have Bedard.

  4. bballcards

    Saturday night during the holiday season vs. a rival opponent is literally the prime time for when everyone wants tickets. Most are on holiday break. Off school, back from college, or off work. Prices reflect that. This will be an expensive game no matter where you buy your tickets if you want this particular game, whether it’s from the Blues or the secondary market. If you want cheap tickets, try a weeknight vs. Arizona.

  5. BudAdvisor

    Prices will change if the team is ass.

  6. raylankford16

    Yah F that. Ticketing called me today and I felt a little bit of satisfaction in telling them I didn’t want to buy season tickets again because of the poor on ice product.

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