@Devils du New Jersey

Régime partiel

Quelqu’un a-t-il eu des problèmes pour obtenir des informations sur des plans partiels ? J’ai soumis un formulaire de demande en ligne la semaine dernière, j’ai reçu cet e-mail de conf disant qu’ils me répondraient dans les 24 heures et je n’ai toujours pas eu de réponse.



  1. MrMooMoo91

    You check your spam? I got a reply in 24 hrs to setup a phone call.

  2. They still have our deposit from last season and never reached out to us regarding partial plans. No emails, no calls, nothing.

  3. gloomis27

    They will contact you

    Every day

    For life.

  4. scuba5136

    You prob have their number blocked they call every day at same time

  5. ndkjr70

    i had season tickets in 2014. moved to florida in 2015. told them i moved to florida. they kept calling. told them i wouldn’t be back to NJ. they kept calling. told them i lived in a cardboard box and couldn’t pay for food. they kept calling. told them i was going to jail. they kept calling.

    had my wife pick up and tell them I DIED. finally stopped calling.

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