@Hurricanes de la Caroline





  1. ppParadoxx

    Feels wild that they’re selling those…I wonder what they have in mind for this season

  2. NCprimary

    Wonder if it includes the logo

  3. ediciusNJ

    Dang, is this gone already? Only stuff I see on givesmart are some signed Pride sticks. Was gonna send the link to my neighbor.

  4. 17justmelted

    Alright here is what we’re gonna do, everyone chip in $30 and the sub will split this up between different members in different time blocks and we’ll post the different letters as a new picture each time we swap the holders

  5. mrbig1999

    Necas should buy them! You can’t spell Canes without Necas!

  6. tenderheart98

    Someone let me borrow $500. I gotta have those

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