@Bruins de Boston

Bruins Bear offre un surclassement de siège

Depuis les séries éliminatoires de l’an dernier contre les Canadiens


  1. die hard leafs fan here… even tho i hate them too.. but still that was a bitch move commercial by bruins.. those guys probably worked the whole month and saved the money towards this trip to boston… thumbs down from me

  2. 🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Take that you Habs fans! Take that in your pipes and SMOKE IT!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. This is so typically classless from Boston Gooins organization. Same obnoxious team that gave the hockey world Ken "the Rat" Linseman , Milan "I'm gonna fucking kill you" Lucic, Brad "going to lick your face (because I'm a complete fuckup)" Marchand. The list of creeps the Bruins have had playing for their classless lowbrow franchise is almost endless going all the way back to Eddie Shore – the creep who ended Ace Bailey's career and almost killed him by cracking his skull and put him in ICU in the hospital. Thankfully the Habs absolutely own the Bruins with a record of 25-8 in 33 playoff meetings. Nothing I enjoy more than to see this obnoxious team get eliminated by the Habs. Montreal is EASILY the greatest team in the History of the NHL. Millions of fans just like me absolutely despise the Bruins and millions of us are always very happy when you lose. Fuck the Bruins in the most painful way possible.

  4. Ohhh that was absolutely sooo funny! Thank you for posting this. Let's go Bruins 👏👏👏👏👏 LET'S GO BRUINS 👏👏👏👏👏🏒🥅…JP

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