@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Treliving peut-il appliquer l’expérience de Gaudreau, Tkachuk à Matthews, Nylander ? -SurDrive

Brendan Dunlop et Dave Feschuk sont rejoints par Dave Poulin, analyste de TSN Hockey, pour discuter du statut du contrat d’Auston Matthews et de Williams Nylander et de la façon dont le directeur général des Maple Leafs, Brad Treliving, peut profiter de son expérience avec Johnny Gaudreau et Matthew Tkachuk et l’utiliser dans cette situation.


  1. Making money is action. keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge. I'm excited I started earning upto 15thousand dollars extra income.<<<<

  2. I still feel signing Tavares was a mistake. Don't get me wrong Tavares is an amazing player. but i remember when they signed him, I just felt he wasn't a good fit with all the young leafs. They were too fast, to creative and were just starting to come into their own. I get yelled at anytime i mention this so let me have it!

  3. If Matthew’s wants to play somewhere else then let us know so we can trade him. If he wants to play in Toronto then sign the fucking deal

  4. Mathews was 22nd in league scoring. He better not become the leagues highest player.

  5. The pattern of the Leafs Executives is likely Nylander and Matthews either 1) they both get overpaid or 2) the both just play out their contracts. So it looks like Leaf ticket holders and fans – just get screwed and face more playoff disappointments in all cases.

  6. you guys are like a broken fucking record. you wanna know how much to pay matthews and marner and nylander? less than any of these players who youd all rather have to help you win a playoff series: kucherov, mcdavid, draistail, hedman, point, makar, crosby, makinnon,, tkachuk, and honestly probablly less than marchand, heiskenen etc. its astounding that anyone thinks marner or mattthews is a top ten player its easy to name ten players youd rather have when it counts. know him well? you are the media you never know anyone well. you all just speculate and probably matthews sees the media say hes worth 14 million a year and hes like hell ye

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