@Maple Leafs de Toronto





  1. Reppotimus

    Thank fuck. Wish it was more but it’s more than 0

  2. DaltonFitz

    Every single person who has been saying he is leaving for the last 2 years can realize you’re all bozos.

  3. Reggae4Triceratops

    Don’t get it twisted.

    We’ve got at least


    more years of Auston Matthews!! All of his prime for US motherfucker!!!

    Holy fucking shit let’s go!!

  4. FlapjackFiddle

    We lock him down until he’s 31 for a modest bump in salary, not bad. The MOST important thing here is that we retain our franchise player. His value is FAR greater than $13.25M

  5. Volderon90

    I can deal with that. We got him for his prime. Let’s face it, if we can’t win in the next 5 we’re rebuilding anyways

  6. Grinfacked

    We waited to see if Auston would take less to keep the team together, potentially influencing Willy and Marner to take less as well. We see the answer to that is no. It’s not an extreme AAV, but it’s by no means a ‘team friendly’ deal either. At least, not like other superstars are taking for much longer term. We’ll see what happens with Willy, but this was the first shoe to drop and it isn’t encouraging.

  7. Nameless908

    I’m stoked as fuckkkkk and also like.. why the FUCK are we the only team people won’t actually sign long term with ?! Fuck it, let’s fucking GOOO!

  8. ZachKearns

    Boys, I am over the moon on a Wednesday in the middle of August. Let’s FUCKING GOOOO WOOOO

  9. LevelDepartment9

    less than 2 mil raise? not bad considering the leafs premium.

  10. tecate_papi

    Nick Kypreos and every other two-bit analyst: « I’m hearing from my sources that Auston Matthews is 100% definitely, absolutely assured to be leaving Toronto in 5 years…. »

  11. edgeisagoodwrestler

    So he’s not gonna be a Coyote? I for one, am shocked.

  12. PhilMcCraken2001

    AM34 down, let’s get Willy done!

  13. Big_Albatross_3050

    Guys…you do realize the cap going up also applies to us. I don’t care he’s the highest paid, fact is this takes up the rest of his prime and we retain our franchise player.

    We’ve also got a pretty decent prospect pool to fill out the bottom 6 with. Let’s worry about the future cap concerns when they happen

  14. Svalbard38

    I like it! Plus now we don’t have to talk about this anymore!

  15. zainery

    Woah thats almost as much money as Tavares’ San Jose offer

  16. legendary_sponge

    Lotta money but he’s worth it

  17. SmashinHearts

    We got matthews’ prime locked up. Let’s see what the buds can do

  18. JamesCurtis24

    I think this actually, overall, is the right move. I know the 8 year deal thing frustrates a lot of people, myself included.

    THAT SAID, Matthews now has 5 years left with the Leafs. It takes him through his 30-year-old season. It’s unlikely at 31-years-old that Matthews’ cap hit will go up. And quite frankly, if things still are not working out 5 years from now, it might be best for everybody to move on. The only way that cap hit goes up is if Matthews is slinging 50, 60+ goals per season, and the Leafs are having success. In which case, I think we’ll be happy to be in that position. If he’s plagued by injury, or takes a step back in any way, it’s not going up.

    There’s a weird part of me that almost rathers this than an 8-year-deal. If we sign Matthews to an 8-year-deal, now you’re talking about him being 35 at the end. I don’t know that Matthews is going to be a 13.5M player at age 31 on. Especially given his wrist injury and general injury history early in his career.

    It’s hard to imagine a way the Leafs lose this deal. IMO, the 8-year-deals should go to those players coming out of entry level, or to a Nathan MacKinnon who has proven himself worthy of that, and you can live with him not living up to the contract on the back end of the deal.

    The real problem would be if this was something like a 2 year extension, where Matthews gets to hold out and sign a mega 8 year deal at that time. I really do believe this is a solid deal for both sides.

  19. prtproductions

    Possibly a stupid question, buut isn’t the shorter term kinda favourable for us? It seems we aren’t liking paying Tavares big money into his 30s. There’s definitely a chance he regresses at 31 and the team can get him off the books or sign him for what he’s worth at that point.

    Either way glad it got done and we can just enjoy the season without this contract talk.

  20. HeftyNugs

    Leafs got AM for 4 (5) more at least. I’d be worried about Marner, not Nylander. At least Willy knows he’s got a cap. Marner thinks he’s worth Matthews.

  21. Throwaway7219017

    If there is still no Cup, or a bunch of deep playoffs run at the least, when this is over, I will be glad to see him leave for sunnier pastures. A lot of money and too little term for a player who has done absolutely nothing in the playoffs.

    And I say this as a guy with a massive framed photo of him in my basement.

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