@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Pourquoi la prolongation de Matthews est une bonne affaire pour les Leafs

Frankie Corrado, analyste de TSN Hockey, se joint à SportsCentre pour discuter de la nouvelle prolongation de quatre ans d’Auston Matthews avec les Maple Leafs, ce qui fait de lui le joueur le mieux payé de la ligue avec 13,25 millions de dollars par saison, et de ce qui arrive à William Nylander.


  1. Frankie talks about percentage of the cap as if Nate and Mcdavid both didn’t give that percentage at 8 years.

  2. Sad state of Canadian sports when a 4 year deal is good for the team getting fucked 😂

  3. If you can't have the best player in the league you may as well have the highest paid player…right? SMH

  4. Frankie gives you the mental gymnastics needed to view this as a win for Toronto…You need his special glasses

  5. I wouldn't say it was great or for that matter a deal just saying

  6. No team has won the Cup with a player taking up this high a % of the cap. Might happen. Who’s gonna bet the leafs will be the first to do it? Still a team game

  7. So…. Matthews finished 22nd in points this season, and the Leafs got brutalized by the Panthers after BARELY squeaking by the Lightning with Matthews barely being able to contribute a point per game…. but yeah, sure… let's give him a relatively short contract and make him the highest paid player in the NHL.

    Let me ask hockey fans a simple question: After watching the 2023 NHL playoffs, do YOU think Auston Matthews is the best center in the NHL right now… because his new contract would suggest that the Leafs seem to think he is, and I think it's possible that Frankie Corrado wants to sleep with him.

  8. wait until players like Knees come off the entry level contracts, there will be no money. This is a bad signing on so many levels. Jack Hughes, 22 years old, outscored Matthews and makes a lot less.

  9. Looks like the Leafs record-setting playoff stats are guaranteed to continue for some time…

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