@Canadiens de Montréal

Télé sportive en déficit | Des pertes de 9 millions pour RDS et TVA Sports

Télé sportive en déficit | Des pertes de 9 millions pour RDS et TVA Sports



  1. ApokatastasisPanton

    Not sure if this is entirely on-topic, but I thought it was interesting to note that both RDS and TVA Sports are losing a lot of money.

    (If only they made watching hockey actually not a pain in the ass I would subscribe…)

  2. suicypher

    We need RBC to put a permanent watermark on screen to help these poor small businesses make ends meet. /s

  3. Schnurks

    Guess we need a lot more betting website ads….


    Keep them losing money until they understand.

  4. shiram

    Ads on the boards, ads on the jerseys, ads in the bottom during plays, ads in the commentary, ads on the helmets and just the overwhelming presence of the betting stuff.

    And they want us to pay packages of stupidity so we can watch one channel.

  5. dalight13

    Let TVA sport die already, they made their bed when they denied Bell customers playoff games back then. I removed that channel from my package and now watch it in English on Saturdays and in the Playoffs. They won’t get another penny out of me for a LONG time. The province is filled with anti-bell clients. Now let the wave of anti-videotron clients rise and shine. Bell already has the better product in Quebec. Until Videotron comes out with a modern solution, let them struggle like Bell did when Cable was coming out and DSL was total shit.

  6. coreybphillips

    I ***want*** to pay to watch the entire Habs season on RDS like I did every year in the past before the Rogers deal. It’s not worth jumping through all the hoops there are right now.

  7. moutardebaseball

    TVA Sports robbed us of Pierre Houde’s call on the Lehkonen OT goal and for that (and many more reasons but especially for that) they deserve all our hate and we should all hope this shit wannabe channel dies the quickest of deaths.

  8. bsaures

    The problem has almost nothing to do with the actual ads and everything with the way they are selling hockey games.

    As someone not in the « habs region » it is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE to try and find a combination of packages that will get you all of the games.

    The whole system is losing viewers and therefore leverage from advertisers because its so fragmented. Im not spending 100+ dollars a month just to watch habs games because you have split the games into multiple providers and blacked out half them.

  9. mrhappy002

    Je ne veux pas partir un débat, mais… Pkoi tlm commente en anglais? Y’as-tu juste moi de franco ici? 😉

    Ceci dit, je pense qu’il n’y a pas de place au Québec pour 2 stations télé de sports. Comme c’est rendu débile les chaînes de nouvelles continues…


  10. Doesn’t help that the Habs are basement dwellers right now. Bet they don’t lose as much if the team was competitive. And they make up for the loses if the team makes the playoffs

  11. HM_mtl

    En cherchant bien, iIl est possible de regarder les parties du Canadiens en accès libre. Et aussi, Québécor a créé une surenchères avec l’obtention des droits de diffusion. Alors, c’est aussi leur problème.

  12. rontzeeez

    RDS has the better broadcast commentary and more likeable personalities. Losing Chantal did hurt them though

  13. ClimateBall

    Vivement que ça redevienne gratis!

  14. AmonDiexJr

    Let’s make this clear, they loss money on NHL diffusion rate and very high caster salary. Those 2 things can be resolved.

    Now why I’m not contributing as a Habs fan: I would have RDS if they had 100% of it. But I can’t stand TVA.sport so I’m out of both doing the Jack Sparrow things.

  15. canadiatv

    This is like streaming services… We had one place with all the games. Now it’s 2 places to watch the game. You like pierre houde or felix seguin? Too bad it’s the other guy tonight. They removed convenience and lowered quality. If i want french hockey, I’ll listen to the radio… The guy on the radio is incredible… Hopefully there won’t be 2 different radio casting platforms now… Also i won’t get bombarded by hundreds of ads per game. My suit today is presented by pornhub, the mascot is sponsored by big orange things and the team bus is sponsored by arber xhekaj’s new perfume « fuck around and find out »…

  16. fatbalIerina

    This is a failing of the NHL and Bettman’s leadership. Instead of growing the game he went for immediate artificial economical growth. The NHL is now losing people in long established markets. Keep in mind though, I probably have no idea what I’m talking about.

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