@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Ce fan des Leafs est un clown absolu

Ce soir, le match des Maple Leafs de Toronto contre le Lightning de Tampa Bay a eu WILD. Les partisans étaient en feu et ont donné un enfer au Lightning toute la soirée dans ce qui était un match très différent du premier pour les Maple Leafs. Après que les Leafs aient pris une bonne marge à 6-1, le Lightning semblait vouloir simplement donner le ton pour le troisième match et Jeannot s’en est donc pris à Schenn. Les deux hommes ont laissé tomber les gants dans une grande inclinaison, puis, sorti de nulle part, la caméra a filmé un homme en chemise jaune dans la foule, provoquant une agitation chez Jeannot. L’homme aurait tenté de sauter par-dessus la vitre alors que lui et Tanner Jeannot allaient et venaient. Le match en lui-même a été plein d’action alors que les Leafs ont mené toute l’offensive. Marner a inscrit deux buts et le capitaine John Tavares a lui-même passé une soirée à réaliser un tour du chapeau. Je couvre cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! Jeannot et Schenn se battent : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xveLihVbyxo&pp=ygURamVhbm5vdCB2cyBzY2hlbm4%3D #nhl #hockey #highlights #torontomapleleafs #tampabaylightning #nhlplayoffs


  1. Its all leaf fans have. If I paid a $1000 for a ticket and 4 beers at $25 a piece to see one playoff game win in a series. I would be acting like a clown too

  2. Working the Winnipeg game on SN, I was watching the SN truck feeds for this game and I can confirm that is what happened

  3. Do you think if you cropped wigs and drag you could show the fight and say it’s trans pride?

  4. So millionaire players acting like clowns is a thing? Tampa instigated the fight and they got the nerve to bash the fans too. Bunch of clowns in Tampa.

  5. What he doesn't mention is Phil Esposito's comments. Initially he's not pleased with the fight and then he goes some FAT WOMAN is yapping like crazy down there or maybe a guy I can't tell!
    Phil is Phil!

  6. The best was when a fan fell in the penalty box with Tie Domi in there. Domi manhandled him so effortlesly.

  7. I’m sorry as a life long leafs fan it’s nice seeing a “clown” fan in the lower bowl instead of the normal Bay Streeters. Our build has notoriously been known as soft so I’m more then okay with changing that reputation.

  8. If this fan is considered a clown for just chirping, what do you call the fan that climbed over the glass to attack Domi?

  9. Ur a clown bud…that guy's a legend now

    Funny how no one had a problem with Vancouvers green guys
    Or Phillys crowd climbing glass

  10. player got offended by the fan and then they threw the fan out….The FAN is a LEGEND!!!

  11. Any average Joe in the stands that think they can go toe to toe with any NHL player is an absolute idiot. Not a fan of Jeanot, Jeannette, Jane-O, but would have rooted for him against the short bus fan.

  12. This guy is nothing but a chubby coward who was tough with a large piece of glass separating him from the player. Coward

  13. Clown? He was living in those Tampa players heads. Good job for that guy. Never seen a team full of more crybabies than the lightning is

  14. Now show the video of the bolts fans yelling at Leafs players in the box. I bet they were all respectful comments.

  15. not even close… he's a fan interacting with a player who's also having fun interacting with him. Maroon is lucky he didnt get suspended for trying to hit fans with his stick… ya'll tampa bay fans are fucking hilarious… get fuked

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