@Lightning de Tampa Bay

j’ai les tristes

Je sors prendre un verre, passer un bon moment. Fajitas, chips, salsa. Ensuite, je lève les yeux vers la télévision et je vois un tueur d’humeur instantané. 😭



  1. Miserable_Ad_2847

    Not three time back to back to back Stanley Cup Champion Patty M.

  2. likeslululemon

    I’m so sorry you had to witness this 🙁

  3. DontCallMeMillenial


    I’ll always be a Maroon fan. Never was a statistically « good » player, but was always an absolute benefit to his team.

  4. NatsGnats

    Forever weeping till he returns 🫡

  5. NatsGnats

    Forever weeping till he returns 🫡

  6. I8Cosmos8I

    Of all the teams why the Wild

  7. mrgdobbs

    His full name is Patrick navy red

  8. rhodesleadnowhere

    That’s our Big Rig 😢

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