@Flames de Calgary

[Salim Nadim Valji] « Certes, je ne suis sur le rythme que depuis trois saisons, mais au cours de mon (pas si) long mandat avec les Flames, je ne me souviens pas que des joueurs non calgariens soient revenus en ville aussi tôt qu’ils semblent l’être cet été. « 

[Salim Nadim Valji] « Certes, je ne suis sur le rythme que depuis trois saisons, mais au cours de mon (pas si) long mandat avec les Flames, je ne me souviens pas que des joueurs non calgariens soient revenus en ville aussi tôt qu’ils semblent l’être cet été. « 



  1. Synyster_Suds

    Maybe they are all just coming back early cause of the new front office?

    Take some extra time to learn on the new approaches before training camp? I’m not sure if that’s a thing but not a bad idea.

    I’d like to believe this is because the players are genuinely excited to come back to Calgary and prepare for the season. Some optimism injected into the room from some house cleaning this off-season type deal. But I think it’s more coincidental than anything.

  2. Chemical_Signal2753

    If I remember correctly, a few weeks before training camp begins the players tend to start skating together in unofficial practices. With training camp starting September 11th this is about when we would expect them to come to town.

  3. tristan1616

    Conroy promised to open up the pocket dog stand to whoever shows up early

  4. gfountyyc

    Having several players on expiring contacts your gonna see them busting their asses this year.

  5. LionManMan

    It’s late August. Not that out of the ordinary.

  6. Ginger-Beefcake

    Hopefully it’s because they want to prove last year was the fluke year, not the year before

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