@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Erik Karlsson et Kyle Dubas : Le duo tente de ramener la Coupe Stanley aux Penguins !

Les Penguins de Pittsburgh ont connu l’une des meilleures saisons hors-saison qu’une équipe ait connue de mémoire récente. Faire venir Kyle Dubas a été la meilleure chose que les pingouins aient faite jusqu’à présent et cela porte ses fruits à merveille. Kyle Dubas a signé de nombreux agents libres comme Ryan Graves et Noel Acciari, mais son gros coup de l’intersaison a été l’échange d’Erik Karlsson. Erik Karlsson est un défenseur du Temple de la renommée, mais sera-t-il suffisant pour amener les Penguins de Pittsburgh à une autre victoire de la Coupe Stanley ? #erikkarlsson #kyledubas #pittsburghpenguins #nhlfreeagency #nhloffseason #hockey #nhl


  1. Dubas is trash u will find out. You are cheerleading a move for karlsson that had one good year in the past like 6 years and is pushing 35.

    Crosby and letang are responsible for bringing karlsson over because Dubas lets his players be the boss and is their friends instead of the boss

  2. The two biggest factors for the Pens this year is A) health, and B) workload. The Pens are an older team, making them more susceptible to injury and wearing down; look how badly they faded at the end of last year when they desperately needed one point against two terrible teams and lost both games. Last year, this was NOT a team that could protect leads, again indicating how old this team is. How healthy do the Pens stay overall and how fresh they are for the playoffs will be the true limiting factor.

  3. everyone knows Dubas always goes out to get the most expensive/best player, its just not always the right player…

  4. I would personally use Nylander and Zohorna over Carter and Nieto. Zohorna had really strong metrics as a Penguin. Never understood why he's the one who needed to go.
    Johnsson over Pitlick probably, since Pitlick is one of the worst defenders in the league.
    But yeah I don't see Carter as even the 16th best Forward. I'd use Hinostroza and Puustinen over him too.

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