@Rangers de New York

Un sacré tour : Rangers de New York 2013-2014 (HD)

Crédit complet de la chanson To Shinedown : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hez6tDpiWDA Edité par : James Catarcio Il y a une semaine aujourd’hui… la plus belle saison à laquelle j’ai jamais participé s’est terminée soudainement. Il y a eu des hauts, des bas et tout le reste. Le désastreux road trip de 9 matchs en début de saison, échangeant le capitaine contre Marty St. Louis, balayant les Stadium Series au Yankee Stadium, battant les Flyers, revenant de 3-1 contre Pittsburgh et résolvant la maison des horreurs du Centre Bell contre Montréal. Même en finale, ils se sont battus jusqu’au bout où ils auraient facilement pu se retourner et mourir. Ce sera une saison I, et les fans des Rangers du monde entier s’en souviendront très longtemps. Je veux juste dire merci… à l’équipe qui nous a offert ces moments. Allons-y les Rangers ! Je ne possède pas les clips de la vidéo, je les ai simplement montés. Crédit à CBC, NBC, NBCS, HBO, MSG, TSN pour les clips. ÉTIQUETTES SUPPLÉMENTAIRES, Rangers, Rangers de New York, Rangers de New York 2014, Rangers Kings, Canadiens, Prust, Stepan, Champions de la Conférence de l’Est, séries éliminatoires, Coupe Stanley, Penguins, vidéo Pump Up, Flyers, Carcillo, Lundqvist, prolongation, Martin St. Louis , St. Louis OT, St. Louis Overtime, St. Louis Mothers Day, But, Fight, Rangers Win Eastern Conference, Game 4 Puck, Crease, MSG, Madison Square Garden


  1. I've watched this probably thirty times and I still get such chills and just want to scream in excitement for some of those goals! That Rangers team will be one I will never forget and probably will end up being my favorite Rangers team ever!!

  2. I cried when the Rangers lost the cup. They went so far, and the name is great, this was One Hell of a Ride. It was so funny when the Flyers fan flipped off Carrillo when he scored when just coming out of the penalty box.

  3. you got to admit this me as a ranger fan even though we lost the finals but you got to admit this this was 20 years in the making

  4. This is the 2nd Greatest NYR Video I've seen (Road to Victory is always gonna be Number 1). Great job.

  5. Ah the good old days when the Rangers could actually beat the Islanders… i dont know how people still believe St. Louis was a waste of a trade… I truly believe he was one of the major reasons they even had a shot at the cup that year. That trade made all the difference

  6. It was a great run that year. Rangers fan for 50 years and one of 4 teams to make it to final, so must not forget how hard it is to get to a final. But ultimately bittersweet as no cup for a very deserving group of Rangers.

  7. The one thing that used to be in the range was Zuccarello the other thing is Henrik long quest the king was because of Panarin is the best feeling in the world

  8. I still come back to this masterpiece of a video sometimes, and I cry every single time. Man… between the nostalgia, Marty's goal for his mom, and what could have been…

  9. i rewatch this video constantly and i just miss it all. chills no matter what. this is the best video i’ve ever seen in my life. thank you

  10. who is here after Hank was bought out?😭😭😭😭 cannot believe it, i refuse to believe it… HEN-RIK !!!

  11. This video gives me goosebumps every time I watch it. It was my first year watching hockey full time and I am a huge Rangers fan. Can you make a similar video when the Rangers win the Stanley Cup this year?

  12. F*ck marty st. Louis.

    When we gave up cally my heart broke in half.

    Im just watchin' all these cuz i just saw hank go up to the rafters forever.

    F*ck marty st. Louis.

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